Apply For A Business License Upland, California
Do you plan to open a business in Upland, California?
To obtain a business license in Upland, you can fill out an application and print it from the City of Upland website. To contact the Finance Department to request a business license application, call (888) 602-0239 or visit them in person at 8839 N Cedar Ave #212.
What information is expected on the Upland business license application?
Your business license application will serve to collect information that is specific to your business and on the owner(s) of the business for which you are applying. Some of the information you will need to provide includes contact information, home address, driver’s license number, and social security number of all owners of your business. The type of ownership your business is under, whether you are the only owner, are involved in a partnership, or part of a larger corporation or an LLC, will need to be submitted.
You may need to provide some or all of the following numbers: Federal employer’s ID number, State employer ID number, State sales tax/resale number, professional number, contractor’s license number, social security number, and/or SIC code number. A detailed description of your business activities need to be submitted as well as all contact information for your business, including a physical address, a business name, and a phone number for your business. Lastly, you will need to submit the number of employees you plan to hire, your gross receipts and the date that you plan to start your business in Upland. When you have completed your application, you will need to sign it verifying that all the information you have provided is true to the best of your knowledge. Your application can be returned to the Finance Department at 8839 N Cedar Ave #212. If you need assistance completing your application or if you have questions, you can reach the office by calling (888) 602-0239.
Are you operating an Upland business from home?
To be permitted to operate your Upland business from home, you will need to be familiar with, agree to, and adhere to the rules and regulations set out as per the City of Upland Municipal Code Sections 17.124.010(description and purpose), 17.124.020 (permitted home occupations) and 17.124.030 (performance and development standards). Some of the rules and regulations include:
- Not conducting any business activities in any garage or outbuilding
- No commercial vehicles associated with your business may be used
- You may not repair automobiles, conduct beauty or barbershop activities, tell the fortunes of others, etc
- There will be no sales out of your home
- You will not change the appearance of your home to suit your business
- No clients will visit your home for business purposes
This is not a complete list of rules and regulations. You may review the list in its entirety on the City of Upland website. When you have read and are familiar with these rules and regulations, you will need to sign them to certify that you agree with them and will be in compliance with them while operating your home occupation.
What are the costs associated with receiving your Upland business license?
There is a one-time application fee for your Upland business license. In addition, your Upland business license fees will be calculated by your gross receipts. The business license fee schedule can be reviewed on the City of Upland website. There may be other fees applied in addition to these gross receipts fees and depending on the type of business that you are conducting, there may be different costs. Contact the Finance Department if you need assistance with calculating your final costs.
Who should you contact for more information?
You may contact the Finance Department at (888) 602-0239 or visit them in person at 8839 N Cedar Ave #212 in Upland. The City of Upland website has useful information for those opening their own business as well.
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