Apply For A Business License Garden Grove, California
Do you need information about opening a business in Garden Grove, California?
Anyone wishing to do business in the City of Garden Grove, CA must obtain a Garden Grove business license, also called a business tax certificate, from the City of Garden Grove Finance Department.You can contact the department via telephone at (714) 741-5074 or visit them in person at City Hall, 11222 Acacia Parkway. You can visit the City of Garden Grove website as well. You will be responsible for checking zoning requirements by calling (714) 741-5312. It is important that you not enter into any lease or real estate contracts on the property that you are proposing to use before it is zone approved.
Are you operating a Garden Grove business from home?
If you plan to operate your Garden Grove business from home, you will still need a Garden Grove business tax certificate, and you will have to comply with certain restrictions and regulations, such as not placing signs, creating excessive noise, dust, vibrations etc. You will also need to check to be sure you are zone-approved by calling (714) 741-5312.
Do you need additional permits or licenses?
You may, depending on the type of business you plan to operate. It is possible that you will need licenses or permits on the local, state, or federal level. If you handle food, you may need a health department permit or inspection. If you are planning to sell or serve alcohol, you may need to contact the Alcoholic Beverage Control board to procure approval. You can contact the IRS to determine if you will need your Federal Employer’s ID number. There may be a requirement that you have fire inspections. If so, you can contact the fire department at (714) 741-5600. You will need to contact to Finance Department at (714) 741-5074 to determine if you will need other licenses or permits to commence business.
Do you need more information?
You can contact the City of Garden Grove Finance Department by visiting them at 11222 Acacia Parkway. You can also contact them by telephone at (714) 741-5074. The City of Garden Grove website has useful information as well.
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