Apply For A Business License Georgia - GA
What are the licensing requirements in Georgia?
There is no one license or permit that all business owners must have, but most businesses will need to obtain some type of license from the state depending on the kind of business you are operating. Corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and non-profit organizations need to register with the Corporations Division of the Office of the Secretary of State in order to operate in Georgia. Generally, sole proprietorships do not need to register with the Secretary of State, although there are often local licensing requirements that still apply.
Are there any local licensing requirements for businesses?
In addition to state requirements, almost every county or city also requires that local businesses register and obtain appropriate licenses. If a business is located within the corporate limits of a city, then the business will often have to apply for a license from the city. However, if a business is located outside of city limits, then the appropriate licensing authority is the county. These local business licenses are often called Business Tax Certificates. You should always check with your local government business office to find out what licenses and permits are needed for your business.
Where can I apply for a business license?
Applying for business licenses in Georgia is usually very straightforward and applications can be filed with the appropriate county or city office where the business is located. For example, businesses in Atlanta would file their application with the city's Business Tax Division, while businesses in Savannah would need to file applications with the city's Revenue Department. General licenses are usually good for one calendar year and must be renewed annually.
What information will I need to provide on the applications?
While the information required depends on the application, generally you will need to provide:
You may also be asked what your estimated gross revenue will be for that calendar year. Certain professions have additional requirements they must meet before a license will be issued.
What kind of occupational licenses are available?
There are over forty professions that are required to be licensed through the Professional Licensing Boards of Georgia in order to practice within the state. For more information about what professions must be specially licensed and the licensing requirements, visit You can also contact the Administrative Offices of the Professional Licensing Boards at (478) 207-1300.
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