Apply For A Business License Delaware - DE
Does my business need a license to operate in Delaware?
Yes! Every business in Delaware must apply for a state business license from the Department of Finance. Delaware now has an online system called One Stop where you can apply for all your business licensing needs online. Once you complete the online application, you will receive a temporary business license that is valid until the state sends you your official license in the mail.
Do I need to apply for any other licenses?
Most cities and municipalities in Delaware require that you also register your business with them if you are operating within city limits. All businesses should check their city's website to see if they need to obtain a local business license as well.
How much does a business license cost?
Fees vary depending on the type and location of the business. State licenses generally cost $75 annually for the first location and then $25 for additional locations. However, if your industry is regulated by the state, additional fees and permits are often required. Delaware also requires monthly or quarterly payments based on gross receipts in addition to the annual licensing fee. Similarly, the cost of city business licenses depends on local regulations, but most require annual registration and payment. The cost of the license is usually based on the nature of the business and the industry it operates in. Local government websites are an excellent source of information on what the licensing fees cost for your industry. Find out what fees are required by clicking on your city's name above.
What do I need to apply for a license?
Different licenses require different information, but generally you will need to provide:
To complete the application for a state business license in Delaware, you will also need a copy of your Workers Compensation Insurance Policy as well as information on the number of employees you have and their payroll information for the last five years, if applicable.
Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license
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