Apply For A Business License Mississippi - MS

Does Mississippi require my business to have a state license?

In Mississippi, not all businesses require a state business license. However, depending on your type of business, you may need local or state licensing or both. State licenses are generally required for professional licenses, such as contractors, real estate agents, and medical professionals. Most cities and counties have their own licensing requirements that must be obtained by most types of businesses.

How do I know if my business has a specific license needed?

A good place to start is by contacting the state online or by calling. You may be able to find links to the Mississippi agencies for specific licensing, permits, or regulations. Visit the State of Mississippi's list of professional licenses at

Are there local licensing requirements in my city/county?

It is best to check with your local cities clerk to find the required licensing for your business. Most cities in Mississippi do require their own business license. There may also have specific regulations needed to be met by the zoning department. Some cities such as Gulfport, don't have a local general business license required like the city of Jackson, but do have a Privilege License Application to be completed. Local city or county general business licenses may have different names. Most can be found easily on through the city/county websites.

How do I register my business?

Business registration is different than licensing. The business registration depends on the type of entity you operate your business with, such as a corporation or limited liability company. To register your business, you will first need to determine what type of business entity you choose and what type of business activity you will do. If you choose to do business as a limited partnership or decide to incorporate, you will need to register with the Business Services Group at the Office of the Secretary of State. Go to or call them directly at 1-800-256-3494 to learn more about registering. If you decide to do business as a general partnership or sole proprietorship, you do not need to register with the state. However, always check with your local city/county for additional permits or licensing needed.

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

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