Apply For A Business License Tennessee - TN
Is there a state business licenses that my business needs in Tennessee?
Tennessee does not have a universal license that all businesses must have as most licensing is done at the local level. However, Tennessee does require certain professions be licensed by the state, including accountants, barbers, land surveyors, and real estate agents among others. This occupational licensing is done by regulatory boards within the Department of Commerce. If your profession falls under the overview of one of the state regulatory boards, then you must complete all licensing and certification requirements prior to opening your business.
What are the local licensing requirements?
State law exempts certain businesses such as manufactures and some professional groups from local licensing requirements. Unless your business falls into one of these exemption categories, you will have to apply for a business license in the city and/or county where your business is located. The type of license needed and the corresponding fee depends on the type of business you do and the amount of revenue it brings in. Some types of businesses such as food establishments may need to obtain additional permits besides the general business license and submit to inspection before opening.
Because businesses can be licensed at both the county and municipal level in Tennessee, a business may need to apply for and obtain both a county and a city business license. While this is not always the case, it is best to check with both your local county and city governments to find out what the specific licensing requirements are for your business.
What information will I need to provide on my local business license application?
The information requested will depend on the place where you are applying, but there are some general things that most applications will ask for. These include:
- Business name
- Business address and contact information
- Owner's/Officers' name and contact information
- Type of business (corporation, LLC, LLP, etc.)
- Dominant business service or product sold
- Federal Employer identification Number (EIN) or
social security number
You may also need to provide your business' state sales tax number if applicable and copies of the owner's valid driver's license.
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