Apply For A Business License Macon, Georgia
What do I need to open a new small business in Macon, GA?
To own and operate a small business in Macon, GA you will need to obtain a business license, also called an Occupational Tax Certificate, before you can open your doors for business.
What steps must I take to obtain a business license in Macon, GA?
First, you must check that your business is both located in the city of Macon, GA and zoned correctly. To do this, you must go to the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission, located at 200 Cherry Street, Suite 202. Once the County Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the location of your business, they will give you a Zoning Compliance form. You must include this form in your business license application packet. If you have questions about this portion of the application process, please see the Occupational Tax Return Form or call the Business License Division at (478) 803-0470.
Next, you must schedule a building inspection and a fire inspection for your business. To schedule a building inspection, you can email a Building Inspector at or call (478) 803-0468 for more questions. To schedule a fire inspection, you must call the Fire Department at (478) 751-9180. Before your fire inspection, fill out the Emergency Information Sheet included in the Occupational Tax Return Form. You will give this document to the Fire Prevention Bureau at the time of your inspection. Be sure to have the Building Inspector and the Fire Prevention Bureau sign the appropriate section of your Occupational Tax Return Form after they have approved your site. You will need to include these signatures in your application packet.
Home occupations (businesses that are located in your home) are exempt from the building inspection and fire inspection requirements unless employees or patrons will be entering your home.
You must also complete an Affidavit Verifying Status for City of Macon Public Benefit Application. This document is a verification that you are legally able to own and operate a business in the United States and must be notarized. If you are not a United States Citizen, you may need additional documentation. Please see the Affidavit Verifying Status for more information.
Finally, you must complete an Occupational Tax Return Form. This form and instruction on how to complete it can be found here.
What information do I need to complete the Occupational Tax Return Form?
To fill out the Occupational Tax Return Form, you will need to know information about your business such as its name, address, phone number, number of employees, Federal Tax I.D. Number, State Sales Tax Number, and the nature of your business. You will also need to know the name, address, and Social Security Number of the owner(s).
Will I need additional permits or licenses to obtain a business license in Macon, GA?
If you are a professional (someone who needs an additional license to practice in the State of Georgia), you must include a copy of your state license with your application packet. For a list of professions that require this additional document, please see the instruction section of the Occupational Tax Return Form.
Many businesses require additional licenses and permits. For a list of businesses that require additional licenses or permits and their associated fees, please see the City License Fee section of the Macon City Website or contact the Finance Department
at (478) 751-7240.
How much will a business license cost in Macon, GA?
The cost of your business license will be based on the number of employees you plan to employ. A formula to figure out your cost can be found on the Occupational Tax Return Form. If you are a professional, you may either pay the fee based on the number of people you employ or you may pay a flat fee.
Where should I submit my completed application packet?
You may submit your completed application and payment in person at the Business License Office, located at 200 Cherry Street, Suite 202, Macon, GA 31201.
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