Apply For A Business License Diamond Bar, California
How do I open a business in Diamond Bar, California?
If you plan to open a business in Diamond Bar, you will need to obtain a business license. Even if you are purchasing an established business, or are relocating an existing business, you will need to apply for your business license to conduct any business in the city of Diamond Bar. You can print a business license application from the City of Diamond Bar website or you can request one in person at the Business License section of City Hall, 21810 Copley Drive. You can contact the office by phone at (909) 839-7030.
Do I need zoning clearance?
Whether you plan to open a new business, relocate an existing business or operate a business from within your home, your business location will need zoning clearance. Your zoning clearance will require a non-refundable fee. Your business property must have zoning clearance or you may not be able to operate your business from the proposed property. It is very important that you not sign any real-estate contracts before your location has been approved. You can apply for zoning clearance by printing off an application online from the Diamond Bar city website, or by visiting the Planning Division at City Hall, 21810 Copley Drive. Call (909) 839-7030 for more information.
What information is required for a Diamond Bar business license application?
- Type of business license (new, relocation, home business, renewal)
- Business name and contact information
- After-hours contact information
- Business owner information
- Whether your business requires you to have a background check
- Names, contact information, driver’s license number and signature of all employees and owners requiring background check
Why would I need a background check?
Certain businesses require that the owner and/or employees have a background check. If you are planning to operate any of the following businesses, you will be required to have a background check, and you may also need additional Diamond Bar permits or licenses to operate these businesses:
- accupressure establishments and technicians
- adult businesses
- alarm systems
- alcoholic beverage sale (off-site consumption)
- bars or nightclubs
- computer services (network gaming center)
- entertainment establishment
- firearms dealer
- indoor amusement/entertainment
- massage establishments and technicians
- pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers
- peddling-solicitation
- psychic reading
- tow trucks and towing companies
Each of these businesses is required to have background checks, which requires a non-refundable fee and may require additional inspections, Diamond Bar permits or Diamond Bar licenses. You must have your background check completed before you will be issued a Diamond Bar business license.
What fees can I expect to incur?
All businesses that are new require a zoning clearance fee. There is also a renewal fee for your business license unless you operate a business requiring background checks, in which case, the renewal fee is different The fee for a background check is paid per person requiring the background check. To find out how much you will have to pay for your specific business, call the Planning Division at (909) 839-7030.
What if my Diamond Bar business is non-profit?
If the business you plan to conduct is non-profit, you will need to submit proof that you are indeed non-profit. If you can provide proof, you may be exempt from business license fees.
I have more questions. Who should I contact?
If you have further questions, you can visit the City of Diamond Bar website, contact the Planning Division via telephone at (909) 839-7030, or visit the office in person at 21810 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765.
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