Apply For A Business License Livermore, California
Are you planning to open a business in Livermore, California?
Those planning to conduct business in Livermore, CA, including those who plan to use their home as a base for their business, are required to procure a business license. You can easily print the application for your business license from the City of Livermore website, request an application in person from the Finance Department at 1052 South Livermore Avenue in Livermore, or call (925) 960-4310 to request that one be mailed to you. Before you enter into any real estate contracts, you are encouraged to contact the Planning Department at (925) 960-4450 to discuss your proposed business and to ensure that it meets zoning regulations. You will be responsible for being certain that you have zone approval before your business commences.
Do you plan to have a Livermore home business?
If you plan to use your home as the base for your Livermore business, you will need to file for a Home Occupation Permit in addition to your Livermore business license tax application. The application for this permit can be printed from the City of Livermore website or you can request it from the City of Livermore Finance Department at 1052 South Livermore Avenue. If your home occupation is childcare related, you will need to contact the State of California at (510) 622-2602. If you plan to care for more than eight children then you also need to contact the Livermore Planning Department at (925) 960-4450. The Home Occupation Permit application is a six-page document that will cover the regulations and restrictions pertaining to using your home as a business in-depth. It requests information concerning your business activities, including questions such as (but not limited to):
- Your name and contact information
- The name of your business
- Whether you own or rent your home
- Property owner’s contact information
- A detailed description of your business activities
- Any vehicles used in your business
- Several yes or no questions with a detailed answer for ‘yes’ answers
- There is a list of items that need to be read and initialed denoting that you read and agree to comply
- Hazardous Materials Declaration stating what types of hazardous materials and equipment that your business may use
- Development Code Section 6.02.060 Home Occupations outlines the codes and regulations for home occupations as they pertain to the health and safety of the surrounding residential areas
All of this information must be read and you will need to be familiar with the regulations and restrictions and willing to comply with all of them to make sure that your Livermore home occupation permit will not be denied or revoked.
What information will you need to have to complete your Livermore business license tax application?
You will need to have a business name, a physical address and mailing address (if different from your physical address), and contact information for your business. You will need to declare your start date and give a detailed description of your business activities. You need to submit your ownership type, which means whether you are the sole proprietor, in a partnership, part of a larger corporation, part of a non-profit organization, a trust, or an LLC. Depending on the ownership type, you may need to obtain state and federal tax ID numbers, seller’s licenses and other permits. You need to provide contact information, names, social security numbers, and valid driver's license numbers for all owners. An emergency contact with name and two phone numbers will need to be given in the event that you are unable to be contacted in an emergency.
If you do not own your business property, you are asked to provide the property owner's contact information. For fees, if your business is sales or service, there is a section that has space to provide your past gross receipts, or to estimate your gross receipts from January 1 to December 31 of the same year. If your business is an office or most of your services are performed outside the city of Livermore, you will need to provide your past three years of gross expenses, or estimate your gross expenses from January 1 through December 31 of the same year. Finally, if your business is a flat-rate business, there is a schedule of fees and types of business to choose from to determine your Livermore business license tax fees.
You can contact the City of Livermore Finance Department to discuss your business license fees at (925) 960-4310. After filling out your application completely, you will sign and date it. Your signature verifies that all the information you have provided is true and accurate and that you agree to comply with all codes, laws, and regulations to run a business.
Do you need additional Livermore permits or Livermore licenses?
Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to apply for additional licenses from state and local entities. For example, if you plan to handle food, you will need to contact the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health at (510) 567-6700 to inquire about a health inspection and or a health permit. If you are going to be selling alcohol, you will need to contact the Alcoholic Beverage Control and discuss your liquor license. If you plan to have a day spa, open a card room, provide taxi service, etc., you will need to contact the Livermore Police Department at (925) 371-4900 to inquire about permits or approvals. You should contact the Livermore Finance Department to discuss your business and to determine whether you will need additional permits or licenses.
Do you need more information?
Contact the Livermore Finance Department at (925) 960-4310 or visit them at 1052 South Livermore Avenue. The City of Livermore website has useful information as well.
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