Apply For A Business License Baldwin Park, California
Looking to start a business in Baldwin Park?
If you plan to start a business in Baldwin Park, you will be required to apply for a Certificate of Occupancy. This short application requests that you state your business name, the physical address, the type of business, and a detailed description of the business that you plan to conduct. Once this application is completed, it should be submitted to the Planning Division for approval. If the application is approved, then you will need to set up inspections of your place of business. If all inspections are passed, the permit will be issued.
How do you get your Baldwin Park business license?
After the issuance of your your Certificate of Occupancy in Baldwin Park, you will then apply for your business license. On your business license application, you will again be asked to submit your business name, physical and mailing address of business and a description of what business that you plan to conduct. In addition, you are required to state the type of business ownership, whether you are the sole proprietor, in a partnership, limited partnership, part of a corporation, a LLC or a trust. You are required to provide your state tax information, any applicable state license numbers, and your FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number). If there are other owners, you must state their names, contact information and social security numbers. You will need to have emergency contact information and if you have an alarm, you must provide the alarm company information as well.
What if you plan to run your business from home?
You will need to fill out a Home Occupation Permit for Baldwin Park if you plan to conduct business from your home. It is a short application asking for the name of your business, address and the specific use of your home pertaining to your business. It outlines several regulations on home occupation and requires a signed affidavit stating that you will comply with the rules.
What are the fees pertaining to a Baldwin Park business license?
The fees that pertain to securing a business license in Baldwin Park are based on the type of business that you are planning to open. It is calculated on the number of employees. If you are a sole proprietor, with no employees, your fees will be lower than a business where you are in a partnership with multiple employees. To learn more about the fees associated with your type of business license, contact the City of Baldwin Park at (626) 813-5203.
Who should you contact for more information?
For more information or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the City Of Baldwin Park at (626) 813-5203, or visit them in person at 14403 E. Pacific Avenue.
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