Apply For A Business License Pittsburg, California
I plan to open a business in Pittsburg, California. What do I need to know?
If you plan to open a new business in Pittsburg, CA you will need to apply for and be issued a business permit. The application for a business permit can be printed from the City of Pittsburg website. If you wish, you can apply in person by visiting the Business License Division of the City of Pittsburg. They are located at 65 Civic Avenue, second floor in Pittsburg.
What about zoning restrictions?
Before you apply for a business permit and before you lease or purchase any real estate, it is recommended that you contact the Planning Department to verify that you are going to be operating your business in the correct zone. Certain business activities are prohibited in certain zones. You will want to be sure you are in compliance with zoning restrictions, so do not skip this important step in licensing your business.
What information will I need for my business permit application?
Your Pittsburg business permit application will require some of the following information:
- Owner/application name, date of birth, home address, home and business phone number, valid driver’s license number, expiration date, and state which it is issued from
- Description of the business you plan to conduct
- If you’ve ever had a business license revoked or suspended in any other city, and if ‘yes’ an explanation of why
- Number of employees, both the most and least amount, that will be working at any one time
- If there are any video games or electronic games at your business
- Number and make of all vehicles that will be used at your business
- Description of past business experience
- Whether you or any of the other partners or owners have been convicted of breaking the law within the past 10 years, excluding minor traffic violations
- A signature certifying that you have only provided true and complete information, that you will not operate your business until all permits and licenses are in place, that your business activity does not include any potentially activities that would harm the public in any way, and that you are agreeing to comply with Chapter 5.12 of the Municipal Code of Pittsburg regarding business permits
There may be other information that is not included in this list. When you have completed your business permit application, you will return it to the City of Pittsburg at 65 Civic Avenue in Pittsburg, or fax it with credit card information to (925) 252-6969. Contact the Finance Department at (925) 252-4955 for questions about your application.
Do you plan to use your home as a business location?
If your home is going to be used as a base for your business, you will need to file a home occupation permit application, which can be printed from the City of Pittsburg website. On your application, you will need to supply information about your business, as well as how you plan to use your home for your business. Before you return your application, you should contact the Planning Division to make an appointment to discuss your proposed business. You will need to be familiar with Pittsburg Municipal Code 18.50.405. When you have read the code, which states the conditions which home occupations are required to adhere to, you will need to sign it to verify that you agree to the conditions and will comply with them. If you are found to be in non-compliance, your home occupation permit may be revoked. These conditions include things such as not advertising with signage that you are operating a home occupation, that you will use only 20% of your floor space for your business operations, and that you will not create dust, odor, electrical interference, or noise beyond what would be normal for a typical residence. These and many other conditions are associated with home occupations.
Are there additional permits or licenses you may need?
There could be, depending on the type of business you plan to conduct. If you are going to prepare food, for example, you may need to obtain a health permit. If you are going to sell or serve alcohol, you should contact the Alcoholic Beverage Control board. You may need to contact the IRS to procure a FEIN (federal employer’s ID number). It is important that you have all additional permits and licenses in place before you commence business. f you are not certain that you need them, contact the Finance Department at (925) 252-4955 to determine if you do.
What costs can you expect to incur?
Your fees and expenses can be calculated on the City of Pittsburg website using a business license application calculator. You can also contact the Finance Department for information and assistance in calculating your fees and expenses.
Do you have further questions or concerns?
For more information, contact the Finance Department at (925) 252-4955 or visit them at 65 Civic Avenue in Pittsburg. The City of Pittsburg website has useful information as well.
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