Apply For A Business License Pico Rivera, California
Do you plan to open a business in Pico Rivera, California?
Pico Rivera, CA requires that you apply for and be issued a business license before you open your business in the city. To receive your application, you can print it from the City of Pico Rivera website or you can request one in person from the City of Pico Rivera at 8839 North Cedar Avenue #212 The application should be filled in completely with print or typing. You will need to provide information about your business, including the name you have given your business, what type of business it is (retailer, professional, manufacturer, wholesaler, contractor), the physical address of your business, your business mailing address, and your contact phone number. Owner information that you need to supply includes the owner’s name, current contact information, social security number, valid California driver’s license number, and date of birth. You should also indicate the number of employees you plan to hire, the date you plan to open your business, and if applicable, your FEIN (federal employer’s ID number), state sales tax permit number, and/or state employer’s ID number. A detailed description of your business activities should be provided.
If there was prior businesses at your business location, you will need to declare this, and also give the names of other businesses sharing your business property, and the name and contact information on the owner of your business property. Your business ownership type (sole owner, trust, corporation, or partnership) needs to be provided, and if your ownership type is anything other than a sole ownership, you will need to give the names, contact information, and valid driver’s license numbers of all owners or corporate officers. If you are a contractor, you will need to have your state contractor’s license number, class and expiration date, as well as the name and address of your current job location in the city of Pico Rivera.
When you have completed your application, including the business license fee section on page two, you will need to sign it, denoting that all the information that you have provided is true and accurate, that you agree to comply with all regulations, restrictions, laws and codes (federal, state, and local) that are associated with running a business. When you have completed your application, you should return it to City Hall, located at 6615 Passons Boulevard. If you have any questions regarding your business license application or if you need assistance in filling it out, you can call the Revenue Division at (562) 801-4320.
Will you need zoning approval?
You will need to check with the Planning Division to be sure that your proposed business is in the proper zone before you enter into any real estate contracts or purchase agreements. The Planning Division can be reached at (562) 801-4332 to discuss your zone requirement, business activities, and potential property.
What fees are you required to pay for your business license?
On the second page of your Pico Rivera business license application, there is a business license fee schedule that outlines the fees associated with many business activities. For a new business, you will be expected to pay a fee in addition to your other fees. All business are charged a registration fee in addition to any other fees. Your business activities will determine any additional fees that you will you incur.
Are you planning to use your home as a Pico Rivera business location?
If you plan to use your home as a base for a business, you will need to fill out and return a Home Occupation application. This application can be printed from the City of Pico Rivera website or you can request in person from City Hall.
Will you need other Pico Rivera permits or Pico Rivera licenses?
If you plan to conduct certain types of business, you may be required to apply and be issued additional licenses or permits. You may also be required to have inspections and/or by the police or fire departments. You will need to contact the Revenue Division to discuss other permits or licenses that you may need to obtain before you begin business operations in Pico Rivera.
Do you plan to enter into the city from a location outside the city to conduct business?
If your business base is not within the city limits of Pico Rivera, you will need to file an out of town business application. It can be printed from the City of Pico Rivera, or you can call the Revenue Division at (562) 801-4320 to request that an application be mailed to you.
Will you need more information?
The Revenue Division can be reached at (562) 801-4320. If you would like to visit them in person, go to 8839 North Cedar Avenue #212. The City of Pico Rivera website will yield useful information to those interested in opening their own business as well.
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