Apply For A Business License Torrance, California
I need information on obtaining a business license in Torrance, California.
If you plan to conduct business in Torrance,CA you will need to apply for a business license from the Business License Office or you can print one from the City of Torrance website. Your business license application is a short, one-page document that is used to collect information on your proposed business and the owner(s) of your business. You will need to submit all contact information for yourself and each owner, as well as your social security number and your valid driver’s license number. A business name, a physical address and a mailing address for your business will need to be provided. If it applies to your business, you will need to supply your state contractor’s license number, a state sales tax number, a federal tax number, and a state tax ID number. You need to declare your ownership type, meaning whether you own your business solely, whether it is part of a larger corporation or if you are involved in a partnership. If you plan to hire employees, you will need to supply the number of persons you plan to employ. A brief description of your business activities needs to be included and you will need to sign your application denoting your agreement to comply with all state, local, and federal regulations and codes associated with business operation and that all information that you have supplied is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
Do I need zoning approval or any other permits or licenses?
Your zoning approval will be based on certain criteria about your business location, such as if your business property is a new building, if the property has been vacant for three or more months, or if you are changing the use of a previously used commercial location, such as changing a restaurant to a retail boutique. If it is determined that you need approval from any local entity, your application will be forwarded through other agencies by the Finance Department and you will be notified. You will be financially responsible for an annual fire inspection by the Fire Department. If you are planning on handling food, you will need to contact the LA County Health Department.
If your business activities include selling or serving alcohol, you will need to contact the Alcoholic Beverage Control board to apply for appropriate licenses. If you are going to have an alarm system installed in your business, you will be responsible for obtaining an alarm system permit. If you are planning to operate a home business, you will need a home occupation permit. There may be other permits or licenses that may need to be obtained in order to be in compliance with local, state, or federal laws and regulations concerning operating your own business. Contact the Finance Department to discuss your business plans and to determine which additional permits and/or licenses you may need.
Do you need more information?
Visit the Finance Department, Business License Division at 3031 Torrance Boulevard, Torrance, California 90503 or call (310) 618-5828. You could also visit the Torrance city website.
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