Apply For A Business License Carlsbad , California
Are you planning to open a business in Carlsbad?
If you plan to conduct any business, whether permanent, seasonal, or temporarily in the city of Carlsbad, you must have a Carlsbad business license. You must have your business license prior to opening your business. If you have purchased an already established business, the previous owner’s license is no longer valid, you will have to apply to license your business in your own name. Once you have your business license, it will be valid for one year and can be renewed online.
If your business location changes, you will have to notify the city and pay a $1.00 fee. The city will then have to re-approve your license for your new location. You can download the application or apply online. If you prefer to apply in person, visit the Business Licenses office at 1653 Faraday Avenue in Carlsbad between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Fridays.
How long does it take to be issued your Carlsbad business license?
There are three departments that must review your application: the Building, Planning and Fire Departments. The average length of time will be about two to three weeks for a normal application.
Are you interested in running a Carlsbad business from your home?
You can apply for a Carlsbad home-based business license online through the City of Carlsbad website.
What is the cost associated with applying for your Carlsbad business license?
Business license fees will depend on your business. There is a flat-rate fee for certain businesses. Businesses that have a flat-rate fee would generally be any business that deals in services. There is a gross receipt fee that is for businesses which produce a product. These fees are paid by the number of gross sales per year plus an additoinal base fee. There is a minimum fee associated with both types of business. To find out more on what type of fees you will have to pay for your business, check the City of Carlsbad website.
Is there any other information that you should know?
All businesses must be approved by the Planning Department to check that your business is zone-approved. Certain zones prohibit certain businesses, and if the business you propose falls into a forbidden zone, your license application will be denied. You can reach the Planning Department via telephone at (760) 602-4610.
Do you still have questions?
If there are other concerns or questions, you can contact the Carlsbad Business License Office at (760) 602-2495 or visit them in person at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008.
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