Apply For A Business License Lynwood, California
Who needs a business license in Lynwood, California?
Anyone conducting any business in the city of Lynwood will need to obtain a business license. You can apply for a business license by visiting the Business License Division at 8839 N. Cedar Ave #212 in Fresno. You can reach the Business License Division by phone at (888) 602-0239. You may also download an application from the the City of Lynwood website.
What is the process I need to take to get my Lynwood business license?
The first step to obtaining your business license is to contact the Business License Division at (888) 602-0239 to determine if your proposed business property meets city zoning codes. You will need to complete a Preliminary Zone Approval Form. It is very important that you not enter into any lease or real estate contract before being certain that the property meets city zone codes. If you skip this crucial step, you may end up paying for a building or property that is not approved for business activities.
If your property is approved, the next step is to complete your business license application. You will need information concerning your business activities, location, ownership type, etc. to complete the application. Once your application is complete with true and accurate information, you will need to return it to the Business License office with a filing fee. At this time, you will determine if you need an application for a commercial license. Anyone who leases or owns any property other than a residential property will need to complete a commercial business license, and will need to supply a processing fee. The application can be requested from the Business License office.
If you do not need any additional licenses or permits, such as from the State Board of Equalization for a seller’s permit, an Alcohol Beverage License, a health inspection, etc., your license will take anywhere from one to two weeks to process. If you need any fire, police, health, etc. inspections, it could take longer. You may need additional licenses, permits, or approvals if you are conducting certain businesses, including, but not limited to:
- Adult books
- Arcades
- Bar/lounge
- Catering truck
- Massage/acupressure
- Palm reading
- Sexually-oriented stores
- Tattoo parlor
- Taxi driver
- Weapons-related businesses
I want to run my business from my home, do I still need a Lynwood business license?
Operating a home-based business does not exclude you from needing a business license. However, if your business is non-intrusive to your neighbors, and if you fill out a home occupation permit, you should have no problem obtaining a business license to conduct your business from home.
What are the costs associated with obtaining my Lynwood business license?
Your costs will be calculated based on several criteria which will need to be determined by the Business License office. You can contact them at (888) 602-0239 to discuss your exact costs with them.
Who should I contact if I need further information?
For more information, contact the Business License Division at (888) 602-0239. The office is located at 8839 N. Cedar Ave #212 Fresno, CA 93720-1832.
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