Apply For A Business License Fountain Valley, California
Do you plan to operate a business in the City of Fountain Valley, California?
You will need to obtain a business license to open or operate any business within the city limits of Fountain Valley, CA. Before you apply for your business license, you should first contact the Planning Department to make sure the property that you plan to lease or purchase meets proper zoning regulations and fire safety needs. It is very important that you not enter into any contract or real-estate contracts before you have had it zone approved, lest you are in a contract on property that is unacceptable for business. The Planning Department can be reached at (714) 593-4425. Once you have your zone approved, you can move onto the next step which is to apply for your business license.
How do you apply for your Fountain Valley business license and what information is required?
You can print an application for a business license from the City of Fountain Valley website, or you can request one in person at 10200 Slater Avenue in Fountain Valley.
The business license/business tax certificate application is a short one-page document meant to gather information about your business and help to determine whether you will need additional permits, and the amount of business taxes you will pay. Some important information required on the application includes your ownership type, meaning if you are the sole owner, part of a larger corporation or LLC, in a partnership or other type of ownership. You will need to have a name, a physical address and a mailing address and contact information for your business. A description of your business activities is needed as well as any applicable tax ID numbers from federal and state, a contractor’s license number and/or a California seller’s permit number. You will need to state the number of employees you plan to hire and your hours of operation. All owners will need to provide contact information, a valid driver’s license number, and a social security number.
You will be required to sign the application stating that all information that you have provided is true and accurate. If you are opening a business in town, you will need to provide your opening date and the number of work-related vehicles you will be using. If your business activities include fuel pumps, amusement devices, rental units, coin-operated machines, or washers and dryers, you will need to state the numbers of each that you will be using. If you are a contractor, there is a special section that asks the number of people you will be employing in Fountain Valley, the number of work-related vehicles you will be using in the city, the location of your job, the start date and if you are a sub-contractor or the prime contractor.
Do you plan to use your home to run a Fountain Valley business?
You will need to discuss your home business plans with the Planning Division at (714) 593-4425. You will also have to pay a one-time Fountain Valley home business permit fee.
Will you need other Fountain Valley permits or Fountain Valley licenses?
Depending on the type of business you plan to operate, you may need additional permits or licenses. Some businesses that will need to obtain a separate license or permit from the city of Fountain Valley include:
- Merchant patrol
- Dances and/or dance club entertainment
- Solicitors and peddlers
- Religious or charitable solicitors
- Pool rooms and billiard halls
- Massage establishments/ massage technicians and their aids, apprentices, or trainees
- Burglary and alarm system
- Escorts
- Escort bureaus and introductory services
- Bingo games
- Off-site sale of single agricultural products
This is a partial list of businesses that may require additional permits. Some may also require approval by the police department, fire department, or another entity. You will be responsible for additional non-refundable annual fees. For a complete list of businesses that require additional permits, call the Fountain Valley Business License Department at (714) 593-4421. There are other businesses that may require state licensing as well, including restaurants and businesses that serve alcohol or sell tobacco. You must have all your permits before you open your business.
Are there fees associated with business licenses in Fountain Valley?
Your license fees will be calculated based on the number of employees that you will be hiring, the number of vehicles you will be using and the application processing fees. There is a base fee for the owner, plus a processing fee. If you are operating your business from home, there will be an additional fee, plus a fee per employee for the first one to nine employees. There will be a different fee for each of the next 10 to 40 employees. For any vehicle other than the first, there will be another fee added to the base fee. If you have any questions, you can contact the Business License office at (714) 593-4421 or check the City of Fountain View website under Fee Schedule.
Do you need more information?
Contact the City of Fountain Valley Business License Department at (714) 593-4421, visit the City of Fountain Valley website, or visit the office in person at 10200 Slater Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA 92708.
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