Apply For A Business License Port St. Lucie, Florida

Are you interested in operating a business in Port St. Lucie, Florida?

If you are opening a business in Port St. Lucie, you will need to contact the Business Tax Division to obtain a business tax receipt (business license). You can either download and print an application from the City of Port St. Lucie website or you may request one in person at 121 South West Port St. Lucie Boulevard, Building B. In addition to obtaining your Port St. Lucie business tax receipt, you will need to receive a business tax receipt from the St. Lucie County Tax Collector’s office at 1664 S.E. Walton Road in Port St. Lucie. You may contact them via telephone at (772) 462-1650. You will need to contact the Planning and Zoning Office for zoning approval before you apply for your business tax receipt. They can be reached by calling (772) 871-5212.

Will you need to contact other agencies?

The following list of local, state, and federal agencies may need to be contacted for additional permits, documentation, licenses, inspections, etc.:

  1. IRS (800) 829-1040 - for federal tax ID numbers, tax ID information
  2. State Department of Revenue - for state unemployment insurance
  3. State Department of Business and Professional Regulation (800) 487-1395 - Health permit information
  4. Department of Agriculture (850) 245-5691 - business related to agriculture

This is not an exhaustive list of agencies that you may need to contact. Contact the Port St. Lucie Business Tax Division at (772) 344-4356 for a complete list and assistance with determining which entities you may need to contact.

What information is necessary for completing a Port St. Lucie business tax receipt application?

  1. Description of business activities
  2. Type of business ownership (sole, partnership, corporation, etc.)
  3. Owner's social security number
  4. Estimate of average wholesale annual inventory
  5. Name of business
  6. Physical and mailing address of business
  7. Names and contact information for all owners
  8. All phone numbers associated with your business
  9. Type of business application (adding service, ownership transfer, change of address, name change, or adding a service)
  10. Signature to verify that you have paid all applicable fees and that you have provided only true and accurate information on your business tax receipt application
  11. Your application must bear the seal of the notary public of the state of Florida

When you have completed your application for a Port St. Lucie business tax receipt you may return it to the Business Tax Division at 121 S.W. Port St. Lucie Boulevard.

What are the costs associated with being issued a Port St. Lucie business tax receipt?

Your business tax receipt fees will be calculated by the Business Tax Division. Your fees will be due annually by October 1 and are valid through September 30 of the following year. Your fees are due regardless of whether you receive a courtesy reminder of your fees being due. 

For further information, who should you contact?

You can contact the Business Tax Division by visiting them in person at 121 S.W. Port St. Lucie Boulevard or by phoning them directly at (772) 344-4356. The City of Port St. Lucie website is also a good source of information.

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

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Tampa West Palm Beach

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This site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or tax advise. The information on this site should not be relied upon as an official source of information and should be independently verified.


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