Apply For A Business License Palm Bay, Florida
I am looking for information on obtaining a business tax receipt (business license) in Palm Bay, Florida. What should I know?
You will need to either pick up an application in person from the City of Palm Bay located at 120 Malabar Road, SE in Palm Bay or you may download if from the City of Palm Bay website. In accordance with the Bevard County Ordinance 2005-76, those that have been convicted of certain crimes will be ineligible to conduct certain businesses in Palm Bay. In addition, it is the responsibility of the business owner to be certain that their current and potential employees are eligible to be employed. If you knowingly hire someone who has been convicted of certain crimes to enter into homes, daycares, nursing homes, schools, etc., you may be subject to criminal charges.
Contact the City of Palm Bay at (321) 952-3419 to discuss these restrictions and the business that you plan to conduct. You may also visit the City Clerk for a copy of the complete ordinance or contact the Neighborhood Policing Unit at the Palm Bay Police Department ((321) 952-3539). You will likely need to obtain a Bevard County business tax receipt (business license) upon receiving your Palm Bay business tax receipt. This is done by taking your Palm Bay business tax receipt to the Bevard County Tax Office at 450 Cogan Drive SE in Palm Bay. If you have any professional licenses from the state of Florida such as a beautician's license, a license to practice medical care, etc., you will need to provide a copy at the time that you submit your Palm Bay business tax receipt application. If you are going to handle food as part of your business activities, you may need a health permit or inspection.
If you serve or sell alcohol on your business premises, you will likely need a license to serve alcoholic beverages. Your Palm Bay business location may be subject to fire and/or police inspections. Depending on the number of employees that you have and your business type (whether solely owned or in a corporation or partnership), you may need to contact the IRS for a federal employer’s tax ID number. Be sure to include your articles of incorporation and/or a fictitious name certificate if it applies to your business. You may need to obtain zoning approval for your business location. There may be other documentation and important information that you may need to know prior to opening your business.
Contact the City of Palm Bay at (321) 952-3419 to discuss any questions you may have regarding your business tax receipt application. In addition, the City of Palm Bay has a Business Ombudsman who can help to assist you through the process of applying for and being issued your business tax receipt. The Business Ombudsman can be contacted by calling (321) 409-7187.
What information can I expect to provide for my Palm Bay business tax receipt application?
You will need to decide which type of business tax receipt application you are filing, meaning whether you are changing your business location, opening a new business, changing the ownership of an existing business, or changing your business activities. You need to denote whether your business is operating out of your home or a commercial location. Information pertaining to your business location includes the physical address of your business, the square footage, and information regarding all inspections (fire, police, zoning, code, and building) that are conducted for your business location. Your personal contact information including your home phone number and your home address should be provided as well as your valid driver’s license and social security number. The phone number and mailing address for you business and any type of alarm system information will need to be submitted. Be sure to include a description of your business activities and the name of your business.
You should include the names and phone numbers of three persons that can be contacted in the event of an emergency where you cannot be reached. If you do not own the building where you conduct your business, you will need to supply the name, phone number, and address of the owner. When you complete your application, be certain to fill in all information in block letters and to use a N/A when the information does not pertain to your business. Your signature will be required. Your signature denotes that you have provided only true and accurate information to the best of your knowledge. It also certifies that you understand and in compliance with all local, state, and federal requirements associated with receiving your business tax receipt (business license) and conducting a Palm Bay business. Included in your business tax receipt packet is an alarm user permit and registration application.
This application collects information about the alarm system that you will use for your business. It has specific instructions for completing the application online or on the back of the hard copy. There are several sections that ask for information such as the alarm company contact information, whether you are installing a residential or commercial alarm, and special conditions regarding your alarm system. You will need to fill in this application completely and return it with your business tax receipt application.
What can I expect to pay for my Palm Bay business tax receipt (business license)?
Your fees will be based on your Palm Bay business classification and will be prorated for the first year depending on the date that your business opens. Each application will incur a non-refundable application fee. Your fees will be calculated at the time of returning your application. There is no refund for any Palm Bay business tax receipt fees unless you have been charged by mistake or in error. Your business tax receipt fees are due annually by October 1 or you may be subject to delinquency fees.
I still have questions. Who should I contact?
You can contact the City of Palm Bay at (321) 952-3419 or by visiting them in person at 120 Malabar Road, SE in Palm Bay. The City of Palm Bay maintains a useful website for those searching for information regarding starting a business in Palm Bay, Florida.
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