Apply For A Business License Jacksonville, Florida
Where can I find information on obtaining a business tax receipt (business license) for Jacksonville, Florida?
To apply for a business tax receipt in Jacksonville, you must visit the County Tax Collector’s office in person at 231 East Forsyth Street in suite 130.
What documents should I have when I apply for my Jacksonville business tax receipt?
If your business is part of a corporation, you will need to bring your articles of incorporation and names and contact information of corporate officers. Be sure you have a valid picture ID, a fictitious name certificate (if applicable), your social security number, and if you are engaging in any professional services, your state license. You may need to contact the IRS to be issued a FEIN (federal employer’s ID number). At the time of applying, the County Tax Collector will determine the type of business tax receipt you will be issued and then calculate your business tax costs. You will be responsible for remitting payment at the time of applying for your business tax receipt.
How long is my Jacksonville business tax receipt valid?
Your business tax receipt is valid from October 1 through September 30 of each fiscal year. You will be responsible for renewing your business tax receipt in person between July 1 and September 30 or you will be charged a delinquent fee of up to 25% of your taxes due. If you are more than 150 day delinquent, you may incur a larger fee, and could be subject to court costs and attorney fees. You could even be reported to the State Attorney's office in an attempt to collect your fees and taxes.
Who should I contact for more information?
Contact the County Tax Collector by phone at (904) 630-1916 option 3 or visit the City of Jacksonville website for more information on obtaining a business tax receipt.
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