Apply For A Business License Delray Beach, Florida
Are you looking for information about obtaining a business tax receipt from the city of Delray Beach, Florida?
Those who engage in any type of business in the City of Delray will need to apply for and be issued a business tax receipt from the Community Improvement Department. They are located in City Hall, 100 NW First Avenue in Delray Beach. If you wish to apply in person at City Hall, there is a specific list of information and documents that you may need to bring with you online at the City of Delray Beach website. Any of the applicable documents that are required will need to be issued prior to applying for your business tax receipt. Some of these documents include permits and licenses from other entities, such as a health department approval, a county business license, and/or your articles of incorporation if your business is part of a corporation. You may need to certify that your business location is properly zoned. Zoning approval is done through the Planning and Zoning Department. They can be reached at (561) 243-7040.
Do you plan to operate a business from your home?
Certain business activities are acceptable in the Delray Beach, such as clerical work, home office, phone services, etc. Anything beyond a home office will not be considered a home business. You will need to file a home occupation affidavit, which can be printed from online. The home occupation affidavit outlines all the conditions and restrictions that are set in place for operating your business from a place of residence. Some of these restrictions include not changing your home to accommodate your business, using no more than twenty percent of your first floor for business activities, not hiring employees to work in your home business from outside of your home, etc. These restrictions must be adhered to in order for your home occupation to be acceptable. You will need to familiarize yourself with each of them and then sign and date your home occupation affidavit to verify that you agree and understand what is expected.
What information can you expect to provide for your Delray Beach business tax receipt application?
The application for a business tax certificate requests information about your business and about all owners of your business. You will need to provide your name, address, and all contact phone numbers for yourself and any additional owners of your business. Your social security number and birthdate will need to be provided as well. If you are planning to hire any employees, you will need to contact the IRS for a federal employer’s tax ID number. If your business is part of a larger corporation, you will need to give information for the registered agent of the corporation and manager of the corporation. Contractors will need to provide the name of the qualifier.
A brief, detailed description of your business activities should be included on the application, as well as the number of rental rooms and/or seats for restaurants and rentals. You will need to supply a mailing and physical address for you business and all phone numbers associated with your business. A business name should be provided. Be sure to sign and date your application to verify that you are in agreement and compliance with all laws and codes regarding operation of a business, whether local, state, and/or federal. Your signature also denotes that you have provided only true and accurate information on your business tax receipt application.
The business tax receipt application is available online from the City of Delray Beach website, along with certain other applications such as a peddler business tax receipt application and a contractor registration. If you have any questions regarding completion of your business tax receipt application, you can contact the Department of Community Improvement at (561) 243-7203 ext 6206.
What are the fees for a business tax receipt in Delray Beach?
Your business activities will dictate the fees you will pay for your business tax receipt. There is a complete list of costs online at the City of Delray Beach website or you may wish to contact the Community Improvement Department at (561) 243-7203 ext 6206 to discuss your fees and costs.
Do you need more information on obtaining a Delray Beach business tax receipt?
For more information, contact the City of Delray Beach Community Improvement Department, 100 NW 1st Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444. You can call (561) 243-7203 ext 6206, or check out the Delray Beach city website.
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