Apply For A Business License Daytona Beach, Florida

Looking to open a business in Daytona Beach, Florida?

In order to operate a business in Daytona Beach, you will need to apply for and be issued a business tax receipt from the City of Daytona Beach. This application can be filled out online and printed from the City of Daytona Beach website. You may also apply in person at the Permits and Licensing Division located at 301 South Ridgewood Ave, City Hall, room 127. Their hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Your application will need to be notarized by a notary public of the state of Florida. In addition to a business tax receipt, you may also need to have zoning approval from the Planning Division. The Planning Division can be reached at (386) 671-8151 to discuss your proposed business activities and the potential location of your business. Be aware that not all business activities are acceptable in all zones and you may need to choose a different location in order to be zone-approved. 

What other licenses and permits might you need?

It is common to need separate permits, inspections, approvals, and/or licenses when you operate a business. Some examples of this include obtaining an alcoholic beverage license to serve or sell alcohol; applying for a health permit if you plan to handle food; having fire or police inspections for certain businesses; and/or contacting the IRS for a federal employer’s ID number for businesses that hire employees. Depending on where your business is located, you may also need to obtain a Volusia County license. These are a few of the examples of other licenses, permits, inspections, and/or approvals that you may need. Contact the Business Tax Division to determine which, if any, you might be required to obtain prior to opening your business. They can be reached at (386) 671-8140. 

Have you collected all of the necessary information to complete your Daytona Beach business tax receipt application?

Do you have a certified name for your business, an approved business location, and a business phone number? Have you contacted the IRS for an federal employer’s ID number? Have you appointed someone to act as an emergency contact on your behalf in the event that you cannot be reached during an emergency at your business location? Do you have this person’s current contact information? Are you planning any remodeling or signs for your business? Have you applied for a permit to make these changes? What is the value of stock and merchandise that you will have on premises for your business activities? Do you have the name and contact information of the owner of your business property if you do not own the property? Are you able to provide your legal name and your home address and phone number? Be sure that you declare whether or not your business is adult-oriented as is defined by the City Land Development Code. To complete your application, you will need to sign and date it, have it notarized, and return it to the Business Tax Division at 301 South Ridgewood Ave, room 127. If you need assistance in completing your application or have questions, call (386) 671-8140. 

Do you plan to open a home-based business?

A separate application for home based businesses can be found online at the City of Dayton Beach website. The application for home office business tax receipt can be filled out with your basic business and owner information, and outlines the restrictions and conditions of operating a home business. Some of these restrictions include not storing equipment or supplies outside of your residence and not having any products stored on your property; not creating traffic, noise, odor, etc. in excess of what is normally found in a residential neighborhood; and not using more than 20% of your total floor space to conduct your business. These are a few of the seversal conditions that you are expected to comply with while operating your home business. If you are not found to be in compliance with these restrictions, your home office business tax receipt may be denied or revoked. Sign and date your application and return it with any supplemental applications to the Business Tax Division in City Hall, room 127.

What is the cost of a Daytona Beach business tax receipt?

The costs of your business tax receipt will depend on the type of business you plan to conduct. You will need to contact the Business Tax Office at (386) 671-8140 for a calculation of your fees. 

Do you need more information?

Visit the Business Tax Division at 301 South Ridgewood Avenue on the first floor, room 146, or contact them at (386) 671-8140. You may also want to explore the City of Daytona Beach website for more information.

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