Apply For A Business License Rockford, Illinois

Are you opening a business in Rockford, Illinois?

The City of Rockford does not require a specific general business license for all businesses. There are some businesses in Rockford that will require a specialty business license, such as bowling alleys, carriage rides, seasonal lots (Christmas tree, pumpkin), pawn shops, mall vending, transportation services, gun and ammunition, etc. There is a full list of these types of specialty licenses on the City of Rockford website. You may contact the City of Rockford Finance Department on their webite or call the Customer Service center at (779) 348-7300 with any questions. You may wish to visit them in person 425 East State Street on the first floor of City Hall. Be aware that there may be other licenses, approvals, inspections, and permits that you may be responsible for obtaining and that not requiring a city business license in no way alleviates you from the state and federal responsibilities that are in place for those operating a business. 

What are the fees associated with obtaining a specialty business license in Rockford?

Your specialty business license fees will vary depending on the type of business you will be conducting. Generally, the fees for a specialty business license are due annually on or before January 31, though there are some exceptions, such as a renewal for a movie theatre being due on May 31. You may incur delinquent fees for payments not rendered up to 50% of the total fee if fees are not paid within 60 days. There is a fee schedule online at the City of Rockford website that has information on the many types of fees that you may be required to pay. Some of these fees include fingerprinting fees to the police department, mail vending fees, and a daily or annual auctioneer's permit fee. A zoning permit will need to be issued which will carry a fee as well. Many of these fees will be coupled with other fees, depending on your business, so it is important to review the entire list of fees and also speak to a Finance Department staff member to decide which fees and permits you may need. They can be reached online under Contact the Finance Department or call The Customer Service Center at (779) 348-7300.

Is there other important information?

You may need to contact other agencies such as the IRS for your FEIN (federal employer’s ID number) or the Illinois State Revenue Department to obtain a state tax ID number. Contact the Finance Department on the City of Rockford website or call the Customer Service Center at (779) 348-7300 to determine if you are responsible for additional permits or licenses from separate entities. 

Do you need more information?

You may want to contact the Finance Department either in person at 425 East State Street on the first floor of City Hall or by calling the Customer Service Center at (779) 348-7300. Spend some time exploring the City of Rockford website for information that you may find useful. 

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