Apply For A Business License Oak Park, Illinois
Are you interested in opening a business in Oak Park, Illinois?
Those that plan to operate a business in Oak Park will need to have a business license. You may either download a business license application from the Village of Oak Park website or request a business license application in person at the Office of the Village Clerk at 123 Madison Street in Oak Park. When you visit the Office of the Village Clerk to request a business license, you will want to set up a meeting with the Business License Officer. The Business License Officer is a professional who will help you to navigate the process of receiving your Oak Park Business License. He or she may want to review your business plans and discuss your building and other important components regarding your business license. Prior to leasing or purchasing a business location, you will want to discuss your proposed business activities and potential business property with the Zoning Administrator to determine if your business is located in an appropriate zone. The Zoning Administrator can be reached at (708) 358-5449.
Do you need other licenses or permits?
You may, depending on the type of business activities that you plan to conduct. There are any number of licenses and/or permits beyond your business license that may pertain to your business and you will likely need to have them in place prior to opening your doors for business. When you meet with the Business License Officer (BLO) they will be able to determine which licenses, permits, inspections, and/or approvals will be needed for your business activities. Some examples of additional licenses and permits include health permits for those operating a business, a liquor license for those that plan to sell or serve alcohol on any part of their business premises, a building permit for remodeling, etc. Some inspections and/or approvals would include fire inspections, approval for signs, police approval for certain business activities, etc.
What information is required to complete an Oak Park business license?
The following information will be requested on an Oak Park business license:
- Whether you own the building that your business is located in
- If there are video game machines or vending machines located on your business site
- Projected opening date of your business
- If food will be provided as part of your business service
- Whether any alcohol will be sold or served on site
- If any hazardous materials or combustable materials will be stored at your business location
- Type of business: partnership, LLC, solely owned, non-profit, for profit, or corporation
- Whether you or any one closely related to your business has ever been convicted of a business, misdemeanor, or felony offense and if so, a description of the offense
- Name, address, phone number, birthdate, social security number, driver’s license number and email address of owner, co-owner, and contact person
- Legal name, doing business as, physical and mailing address, phone number, emergency phone number, fax number, and an email for your business
- Illinois tax ID number
- A description of the activities that you plan to conduct for your business
- Signature of owner to denote that you have provided only true and accurate information to the best of your knowledge and that you will not operate any business before your business license application is approved
When you have completed your business license application, you may return it to the Village of Oak Park Clerk’s Office at 123 Madison Street in Oak Park. If you need any assistance or have any questions regarding your business license application, you may reach BLO by phone at (708) 358-5425.
What costs can you expect to incur?
Your business license application processing fee is a one-time payment of $50.00 at the time of submittal. However, there may be additional costs regarding inspections and other licenses that you may need to pay. Your business license fees will be calculated based on certain criteria and you will want to to contact the Village Clerk’s Office for more information.
Do you have more questions?
It is best to contact your BLO (Business License Officer) with questions regarding your business license. Business License Officers can be contacted by calling (708) 358-5425. Additionally, the Village of Oak Park has an excellent website that has a lot of useful information for those who endeavor to operate their own business in Oak Park. Be sure to explore the website and bookmark it for future reference.
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