Apply For A Business License Mount Prospect, Illinois
Do you wish to operate a business in Mount Prospect, Illinois?
Depending on the type of business, you will need to apply for either a business license or a business certificate. Both applications are available on the Village of Mount Prospect website or can be requested in person at Village of Mount Prospect at 50 South Emerson Street. Businesses selling goods or vending will need to apply for a business license. Those that offer services will need to apply for a business certificate. If you are not sure which application will best suit your business, contact the Village of Mount Prospect at (847) 392-6000.
What information is required for a Mount Prospect business license?
Your business license application is a two-page document that requires several pieces of information regarding you as the business owner and the business you plan to operate. Some of the information includes the type of ownership that your business is under, whether it is owned individually, is part of a corporation, or part of a business partnership. Sole ownership requires that you provide your name and all contact information including your physical address and an email address. This information should be included on the application regardless of whether you are the sole owner or whether your business is incorporated or part of a partnership.
If your business is part of a corporation, you will need to provide the name and contact information of the president and the chief financial officer of your business. If you are in a partnership, you will need to list all managing partners involved in the partnership of your business. In addition to your own contact information, you will need to provide the names and two contact phone numbers for three persons who can be available for inspections and any emergency where the owners of the business cannot be contacted. If you plan to have an alarm installed, you will need to supply the name and contact information of the alarm company. On your business license application, there is a series of ‘yes or no’ questions that you will need to answer, and in some cases, give explanations. Some of these questions include whether you are preparing and/or selling food and/or drinks as part of your business activities, if you plan to use a tow truck, if there will be exchange of gold or silver with customers, whether you will be storing potentially hazardous materials, etc.
You may need to include your state sales tax number and/or your federal tax ID number depending on your business type and if you plan to hire employees. Your business will need to have a legal name and a common name, a physical address (a post office box will not be accepted as a business address), a billing address, a phone and fax number, and a business email address. Be sure to include the type of business, whether food service, vendor, state licensed professional, massage-related, auctioneer, etc.
A signature on your business license application certifies that you have provided only true and accurate information and that you understand all that is required of you as a business owner, including state, federal, and/or local regulations and conditions. When you have completed your business license application, you may bring it to the Village of Mount Prospect at 50 South Emerson Street in Mount Prospect. If you have any questions while completing your application, you may reach them via telephone at (847) 392-6000.
What information should be submitted on a Mount Prospect business certificate application?
The business certificate application for Mount Prospect is identical to the business license application. The difference will be in the information that you supply on the application. If you have questions about which application you need, contact the Village of Mount Prospect at (847) 392-6000.
Are you planning to operate a business from your home in Mount Prospect?
It is acceptable to operate a home-based business in Mount Prospect so long as you adhere to certain conditions and restrictions regarding your home business. Some of the regulations include not having customers or clients visiting your home in excess of what is normal of a home without a business, not displaying signs advertising your home business, not having a secondary entrance for your business, etc. There is a list of regulations and restrictions that you will may want to review found on the Village of Mount Prospect website.
Do you need more information?
Contact the Village of Mount Prospect by calling them at (847) 392-6000 or by visiting them in person at 50 South Emerson Street. Be sure to explore the Village of Mount Prospect website for information on licensing your business.
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