Apply For A Business License Orland Park, Illinois
Where can I find information regarding obtaining an Orland Park business license?
The Village of Orland Park requires that any all business owners be issued a business license from the Development Services Department. You may download and print a business license application from the Village of Orland Park website. You may also request a business license in person by visiting the Development Services Department at 14700 S. Ravinia Avenue in Orland Park. Beyond your business license, you may need to apply for an occupancy permit and/or zoning approval. You may call (708) 403-5300 with questions regarding occupancy and zoning permits. If you plan to operate a massage-related business or sell any alcohol, you will need to request separate applications for such business activities.
What information is necessary on my Orland Park business license application?
You will need to provide information regarding your business activities and on you as the business owner. You will need to submit the number of full-time and part-time employees that you plan to hire, the number of vending machines and the cost to run each, if there are any jukeboxes, bowling alleys, mobile food units, the number of honor boxes located at your business, etc. If you plan to sell or store any potentially hazardous materials, you will need to disclose this on the business license application. The type of license that you are applying for needs to be checked, whether it is a change of ownership, a renewal, a remodeling, a new business, or other type of license.
Be sure to provide a detailed description of the type of business that you are planning to conduct. If it applies to your business, you will need to give your Illinois sales tax number, the Illinois retailer's occupational tax number and a federal employer’s tax ID number. The mailing and physical address of your business are both required, as well as all contact phone numbers and the name of your business. If your business is a part of a larger corporation, you will need to give the address and phone number of the parent company. Square footage and restaurant seating capacity are needed as well as your gross receipts amount.
The type of ownership that your business is under should be provided, meaning whether you are a sole owner, your business is part of a larger corporation, or part of a partnership. All owners should provide their names, contact information, date of birth, and a driver’s license number on the applciation. If you are planning to sell any tobacco products, you will need to disclose this and acquire a separate application and license. Sign your completed application and return it to the Development Services Department. If you have any questions while completing your application contact them by phone at (708) 403-5300.
Is it permissible to operate a business from home in Orland Park?
It is acceptable to operate a home business in Orland Park providing that you comply with all regulations and conditions that are set forth in the Orland Park Land Development Code section 6-303 of Ordinance 3672. You can view the entire document on the Village of Orland Park website. Some of the regulations that you are required to comply with include not using more than 25% of the total floor space of the residence to conduct your business, that there will be no more than 15 vehicles of any sort on a given day to your residence, that you will not have any signs or advertising outside of your home showing that there is a business being conducted inside, etc. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these regulations and conditions for operating a home business.
What is the cost for an Orland Park business license?
Your business license costs will be calculated based on the square footage of your business location, whether you conduct certain business activities, and the number of employees you are planning to hire. Additionally, your business license fees will be prorated based on the month that you apply for your business license. These are the base fees that could be due annually for your business, but there may be additions and subtractions based on criteria specific to your business.
What else do I need to know?
Businesses are not only required to have a business license, but also need to have a zoning permit and an occupancy permit. You will need to contact the Village of Orland Park at (708) 403-5300 for information on these permits.
I need more information. Who should I contact?
Contact the Village of Orland Park by calling (708) 403-5300 to discuss obtaining your business license. If you wish, you may visit them in person at 14700 S. Ravinia Avenue in Orland Park. Spend some time exploring the Village of Orland Park website for useful information and for forms to download for your business applciation.
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