Apply For A Business License Evanston, Illinois

What is the process for obtaining a business license in Evanston, Illinois?

To obtain a business license in Evanston, you will need to either download a business license application from the City of Evanston website or request one in person by visiting the City Collector’s Office at 2100 Ridge Avenue in Evanston. They may be reached by phone at (847) 448-4311. 

What information is requested on my Evanston business license application?

Your business license application requests information specific to your business activities, the owner of your business, and your business location. Some of this information includes the following:

  1. Home-based, non-profit or not for profit business
  2. Type of business ownership: solely owned, corporation, partnership, association, or firm
  3. Description of business activities
  4. If applicable: state tax ID number, federal employer’s ID number, number of parking spaces and floors
  5. Date you propose to open your business
  6. Name of owner or representative of business property and all contact information including a fax number and email address
  7. Name, address, phone, email, and fax number of business owner
  8. If applicant is not business owner, supply name, address, email, fax, phone number, and the relationship this person has to the business
  9. A responsible billing party name, business relationship, address, fax number, phone number, and email
  10. Name and physical address of business
  11. Square footage of business
  12. Website for business
  13. Phone, fax, and email of business

Your completed application will need to be returned to the Collector’s Office. If you have questions regarding your business license application, you may contact them at (847) 448-4311. 

What else do I need to know?

Your business license application will be routed through various agencies prior to being approved and you may be responsible for arranging inspections with some of them. You will need to set up an inspection with the Fire and Building departments for inspections. If you plan to handle food, alcohol, or tobacco as part of your business, you may need to obtain regulatory licenses in addition to your Evanston business license. Contact the Collector’s Office at (847) 448-4311 to discuss which agencies your business license application will be forwarded to and which other regulatory licenses you may need to obtain prior to opening your business. 

I still need information. Who do I contact?

You may contact the Collector’s Office at (847) 448-4311 or visit them in person at 2100 Ridge Avenue in Evanston. The City of Evanston maintains an excellent website which has information that you may find useful while moving through the licensure process. 

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

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This site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or tax advise. The information on this site should not be relied upon as an official source of information and should be independently verified.


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