Apply For A Business License McAllen, Texas
In McAllen, Texas, is a business license or permit required to operate a business?
Only a small portion of business owners must complete, pay for, and file business permits. Currently, that list includes:
- Special Event Permit, Parade and Block Party Permit
- Alcoholic Beverage Permit (enforced by TABC not the City of McAllen)
- Sexually-Oriented Business Permit
- Food Handler’s Permit (this includes mobile food vendors and establishments)
What should be done to verify my McAllen business location?
All business owners are obligated to contact the City of McAllen Planning Department for an inspection to be completed on your business property and to receive the Certificate of Occupancy. This must occur prior to the submittal of any of the permit applications. You may visit for further information.
City of McAllen
Planning Department
1300 Houston Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501
Phone: (956)681-1250
Fax: (956) 681-1279
What basic information will be needed for a McAllen business license or permit?
The permits are all a little different, one to another, but the information that you will generally need follows:
- Applicant name
- Applicant address and phone number
- Applicant driver’s license and date of birth
- Business/property owner/organization’s name
- Business/property owner/organization’s phone number and address
- Business/property owner/organization’s driver’s license number and date of birth
- Employee or volunteer information such as license number, date of birth, names, and dates they will work
- Type of business activity or special event specifics
- Insurance information must be submitted with application
- Type of food or alcohol to be served, if applicable
- For Food Handler’s Permit, what type of power source will be used to heat the food and detailed description of how the food will be handled
- Signatures of both applicant and owner as well as dates
- Fees must be included with application except for Food Handler’s Permit, this is paid after
Who can I contact for information regarding the McAllen Alcoholic Beverage Certification?
Please contact your local Texas Alcoholic Beverage Certification. The phone number is (817) 652-5912. If you require the address, the TABC office is located at:
TABC Outpost
Nightengale Plaza
6521 North 10th Street
Suite D
McAllen, TX 78504
Phone: (956) 687-5141
Fax: (956) 687-5585
Hours of Operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where can a business license application or permit application be sent in McAllen, Texas?
Please take note that you send any of the permit applications to the correct address. The mailing address for the City of McAllen is separate from the physical address. The mailing address is:
City of McAllen
P.O. Box 220
McAllen, TX 78505-0220
For Special Events Application, please address it to:
McAllen Parks and Recreation Department
P.O. Box 220
McAllen, TX 78505-0220
When mailing to the City of McAllen, it is crucial to include which department you intend to contact.
What about a McAllen Food Vendor Handler’s Permit?
Food businesses that handle food in any way, including in a fixed, permanent location and in a mobile setting, are obligated to obtain a McAllen Food Handler’s Permit. The base cost of obtaining the City of McAllen Food Handler’s Permit is $75 and may increase from this rate. For food establishments the rate begins at $100. If you possess over 10 employees the cost is at least $150. For a precise estimate, you may call the City of McAllen Health Environment Division at (956) 681-1220. The application can be found at The physical address of the office is:
City of McAllen
Health Environment Division
1300 Houston Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501
After the City of McAllen Environment Health Division receives the application, they will schedule an inspection of the property in which the food will be prepared and served. You will be charged the permit fee after the application and inspection of the property both have been completed. It is important to remember that the Environment Health Division may inspect your property at any time for health safety.
What cost can be expected for the various McAllen permits?
The costs and fees associated with obtaining any of the City of McAllen permits are not all released online. The City requests that you call (956) 681-1200 for an estimate. The fees vary widely. Calling will provide clarity. The Food Handler’s Permit begins at $75 and can go up to $150. Payments for any permit can be made via Visa or Mastercard, cash, or check. The fee for the Sexually-Oriented Business Permit will depend on the projected gross receipts. The fee for the Special Event Permit can go up to $150. The Alcoholic Beverage Permit can cost as much as $6,500. You may call the City of McAllen for a detailed cost estimate.
Are there any further questions or concerns?
Please call the City of McAllen between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at (903) 237-1000. The physical address of the City is:
City of McAllen
1300 Houston Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501
The mailing address of the City is:
City of McAllen
P.O. Box 220
McAllen, TX 78505-0220
Fax: (956) 681-1212
Phone: (956) 681-1200
You can also go to to the McAllen city webiste for more information.
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