Apply For A Business License College Station, Texas
In College Station, Texas, is a business license required to operate a business?
For the most part, no, a business license is not required in order to operate a business in the city limits of College Station. There are a very few specific businesses that must have business permits to be allowed to run their business. Currently, this list includes carnivals and circuses, parades, special events, and oil well use and drilling. Go to to learn more.
What can be done to obtain permission to drill for oil in College Station?
All existing and any proposed oil and natural gas wells are permitted by the City of College Station. This is found in Chapter 4, Section 13 of the Code of Ordinances. The Texas Railroad Commission regulates the vast majority of operations pertaining to well use and development, yet the City of College Station is permitted to require measures to eliminate and/or reduce impacts to the environment and surrounding uses. For the City’s regulatory information you may visit This site also contains a current list of pertinent permits.
What should be done to verify my College Station business location?
First, the City of College Station recommends that you attend a pre-application conference prior to the review of your development documents. This will help to eliminate any errors and will ease the process. For the pre-application conference request, please visit the City’s website at If you elect to not attend the pre-application conference, you may contact the City’s Planning and Development Department at (979) 209-5030. If you wish to go the Planning and Development Department in person, it is located at 1101 Texas Avenue South, College Station, TX 77840.
What basic information will be needed for a College Station business license or permit?
If you are one of the select few that is required to complete a business permit, the information that you will require follows:
- Name of applicant
- Date of birth
- Residence address
- Date of birth
- Driver’s license number
- Business type: corporation, sole proprietorship or partnership (and details relating to)
- Legal name of business entity
- Permanent business address
- Sales tax number
- Business phone number
- Employee information (if applicable)
- Employee name
- Employee date(s) of birth
- Permanent address
- Employee(s) driver’s license
- Whether or not you or any of your employees have ever been convicted of a felony
- Location(s) where business will be conducted
- Business type or services to be rendered
- Signature of applicant/business owner
- Subscribed and sworn to a notary public
Where can a business license application or permit application be sent in College Station?
Completed business license applications can be sent to:
City Hall
1101 Texas Avenue
College Station, TX 77840
What should a solicitor or peddler do in College Station?
There is a specific permit for transient merchants, peddlers and solicitors in College Station, Texas. For more details, please visit the City of College Station’s website at This permit can be obtained at the Accounting Office:
City of College Station
Accounting Office
City Hall, 2nd Floor
College Station, TX 77842
(979) 764-3574
This permit is valid for a period of 30 days and is renewable at the end of each 30-day period. The cost of obtaining the permit is $25.
What cost can be expected?
For a solicitor, transient merchant or peddler, the fee is $25 for 30 days. Solicitor and handbill permits may be renewed once an additional payment of $10 is received with an accompanying payment of $1 for each individual person employed and/or associated with the activities. Vendors that operate in the City of College Station are absolutely mandated to obtain a bond of $1,000 or more and give the bond to the City of College Station. The bond must be made payable to the Mayor of College Station. The only vendors that are exempt from the bond requirement rule are charitable organizations, interstate commerce, B/CS businesses, and individuals selling farm products that are in an unrefined, raw state.
Are there any further questions or concerns?
If you have any remaining questions regarding the permit applications, please contact the City of College Station at (979) 764-3500 or visiting City Hall, located at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840.
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