Apply For A Business License Gastonia, North Carolina
Are you looking for information on obtaining a business license in Gastonia, North Carolina?
Anyone who wishes to operate a business in Gastonia will need to apply for and be issued a business license from the Building Inspections Division at 450 S. York Street in Gastonia. Depending on the type of business that you plan to conduct, your business license may have to be approved by various agencies prior to being issued. Some of these other agencies may include the Zoning Department, the Environmental Health Department, Alcohol Law Enforcement, etc. You will want to contact the Building Inspections Division at (704) 866-6729 to determine where your application may be forwarded for approval. There may be additional costs for some of the approvals, which will likely need to be remitted at the time that you return your business license application. Your Gastonia business licensing fees will be determined by the classification of your business and your Gastonia business will be classified upon returning your application.
What other agencies will you need to contact?
The following agencies may need to be contacted in order for you to be issued your Gastonia business license. This is not an exhaustive list. You may need to contact the Building Inspection Division for more information.
- Environmental Health Department - (704) 866-6746
- Register of Deeds Office (for sole proprietorship) - (704) 862-7681
- Secretary of State of North Carolina for LLC, corporations, partnerships, LLPs -
- Wastewater Treatment Division - (704) 854-6669
- Environmental Protection - (704) 336-5500
- Zoning Department - (704) 866-6746
- Alcohol Law Enforcement - (704) 866-4173
- Building Inspections Division - (704) 866-6729
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