Apply For A Business License Gresham, Oregon
Do I need to apply for a business license in Gresham, Oregon?
To operate a business within the city limits of Gresham, you must obtain a business license. The cost of the license is based on the type of business you own. Your license must be received before you begin business activity, this generally should take no more than 7 business days once the application has been approved. For all questions regarding Gresham business licenses, please call (503) 618-2370.
What is the cost associated with the business license?
The fee varies according to the type of business you intend to operate. To begin the process of obtaining a business license, visit the following link to meet with the Planner on Duty. This person will be able to answer all questions pertaining to your business and the cost associated with your license.
The address for the office is at City Hall, Permit Services, 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR 97030. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You can also contact the office via email or by phone at (503) 618-2780. Businesses within city limits will be required to pay for a $90 reviewing fee and $93 initial fire inspection fee.
Are there different applications depending on the type of business I own?
Yes. Please click on the link provided for the type of business application you will need:
- Commercial
- Home-based
- Independent contractor
- Mobile home park
- Outside city limits business
- Regional contractor
- Rental housing
- Seasonal
- Secondhand or Precious metal or gem dealer
- Payday lender
What if my business is a non-profit?
All non-profit businesses must still submit a business license application. In order for an organization to be considered a non-profit, the business must also show a 501(c)(3) form.
What information is required to complete the business license application?
The following information will be needed in order to fill in the application:
- Business name and owner(s) contact information
- Emergency contact information
- Owner’s tax ID or social security number
- Description of activity involved with the business
- NAICS or SIC code
- Number of employees (first two included with fee, for each additional employee there will be an additional $3 added to the total fee)
- If professional licenses are required those numbers will be needed
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