Apply For A Business License Overland Park, Kansas
How can I apply for a business license or occupational tax in Overland Park, Kansas?
The City of Overland Park does not require business licenses for most of the businesses that operate within city limits. However, they do require an occupational tax. This tax is to be paid each year and this is mandated for the majority of businesses. Details regarding the occupational tax are not listed on the City’s website as the tax varies so widely. It is recommended that you call the City of Overland Park directly to provide them the details on your business. In turn, they will provide you an estimate for the occupational tax. Call (913) 895-6150 to learn more. Additionally, Johnson County may need you to fulfill other requirements depending on your type of business and operational plans. Only contact Johnson County after you contact a representative at the City of Overland Park. Many questions can be answered simply by speaking to the City of Overland Park first.
What information do I need for an Overland Park business license?
The vast majority of business owners are not mandated to apply or possess a business license, but for the few that there are, the following information is generally required:
- Date of application
- Name of business or establishment
- Address of business
- Name and address of owner
- Business telephone number
- Applicant(s) information such as: social security number(s), race/sex, height and weight, date of birth, citizenship, and previous convictions if any
- Any individual, stockholder, partnership, corporation, or manager that has 10% or more interest in the business
- All applicants must sign and certify the information to be true
How do I find out if my business location is within the proper Overland Park zoning district?
The Planning and Development Services Department provides zoning verification for prospective and established business owners. For each location that is verified, there is a fee that can be paid by cash, check or money order. To request zoning verification you may go to the office in person:
Planning and Services Development Department
8500 Santa Fe Drive
Overland Park, Kansas 66212
If you wish to forgo a trip to the office, you may initiate a request online at Overland Park Zoning. Also, you may send a written request to the address above with the needed fee. The final method to begin the zoning verification is to call the Planning and Development Department at (913) 895-6217. Have your check with you. They will ask for the bank account and bank routing numbers. Please allow two weeks to process the zoning verification.
If you will be constructing a new building for your business, you may apply to do so online with the City of Overland at Overland Park Construction.
Do I need a home-based business license or occupational tax for Overland Park, Kansas?
No, the City of Overland does not require those who plan to operate a business from home to obtain a business license. Please note, however, that you may be required to pay an occupational tax each year to run your business within city limits. Additionally, it is important to understand that home-based business owners are not permitted to have direct sales with the general public nor are they allowed to repair items at their residence. For details regarding home-based businesses, visit the City of Overland’s website, Overland Park home-based business or call (913) 895-6000 or (913) 895-6150.
Do I need to get a business license if I am an Overland Park massage therapist or establishment owner?
Yes. Even though you may already obtain national certification as a massage therapist (this is a prerequisite before a business license can be issued), it is required of you that you additionally become city licensed. To get the massage therapist business license application, please visit Overland Park Massage License. Furthermore, massage therapists are mandated to operate from an already-established massage salon. There is an annual tax for a massage establishment license.
What is the difference between a malt beverage cereal license and a liquor license?
The primary difference between a malt beverage cereal license and a liquor license is the percentage of alcohol that is served. A malt beverage cereal license is 3.2 % alcohol. Anything above 3.2% alcohol requires a liquor license. For either a malt beverage cereal license or a liquor license, applications are available online at Overland Park Liquor License.
I still have questions and concerns. Who can I contact?
You can contact the City of Overland Park at 8500 Santa Fe Drive, Overland Park, Kansas 66212. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. City Hall’s telephone number is (913) 895-6000. They have the ability to transfer your call as needed. If you prefer speaking to the Finance and Administration Department directly, call (913) 895-6150. The City of Overland’s website can be located at For general information provided by the State of Kansas for beginning your business, visit their website: Kansas Business Information.
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