Apply For A Business License Olathe, Kansas

Is a business license required in Olathe, Kansas?

Perhaps, depending on what type of business you plan to own and operate. There is a list of professions and occupations in which prospective business owners must obtain a business license and some may be required to also obtain state or national certification or licensing. For example, massage therapists are mandated to have the national certification in conjunction with the City of Olathe’s licensing. The following is a current list, (but may not be limited to this as the list continues to grow) of occupations that must complete and submit a business license.

Where can I apply?

At this time, you may print the application that best suits your business endeavor from the City of Olathe’s website, but it may not be submitted online. You may mail the application, along with the designated fee posted on the heading of the application and a copy of your current photo identification. If there are any additional parties that will have an interest of 10% or more in the business, they must also send a copy of their photo identification as well.

What do I need to do for an Olathe retail business?

If your retail business will be collecting sales tax, you will be required by the City of Olathe to register with the City Clerk. There is no fee to register, yet if you do not, there may be fees that will accrue until you do so. The form to register your sales tax collecting business is online at This form may be submitted via the internet. Your new business is granted 30 days from the date of opening to register your business. Registration is not annual and is only required for new businesses or if ownership changes.

  1. Massage Therapists
  2. Payday and Title Loan Businesses
  3. Towing and Taxi Services
  4. Pawnbrokers and Precious Metal
  5. Alcohol Establishments
  6. Special Events and Block Parties
  7. Private Clubs
  8. Housing, Building or Construction
  9. Temporary Concessions
  10. Retail Liquor

What will be on the business license application form?

The applications are all different for each type of profession listed on the website. This is the general information that you will need to gather. Note that the City of Olathe may conduct a background investigation as part of the consideration of your application.

  1. Establishment name (this is the name of your business)
  2. Business address
  3. Business telephone number
  4. Services to be provided
  5. Have you ever had a business license suspended or revoked?
  6. Social Security Number(s) for all prospective business owner(s)
  7. Last three years of employment history
  8. Contact information for all those who will have more than 10% interest in the business

What costs can I expect to incur?

The cost is not the same for all businesses as not all businesses have the same profitability. The City of Olathe’s website has a list of professions and vocations. Once you select the corresponding one, the annual fee will be shown at the heading of the application. You may view the details at

Do you have questions or concerns that were not answered here?

For more information, you may contact the City Clerk’s Office. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The City Clerk’s Office
City of Olathe
P.O. Box 768
Olathe, KS 66051-0768

The website for business license material is found at

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

Kansas City Lawrence Olathe
Overland Park Topeka Wichita

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This site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or tax advise. The information on this site should not be relied upon as an official source of information and should be independently verified.


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