Apply For A Business License Lawrence, Kansas

How do I apply for a business license in Lawrence, Kansas?

A business license is not a requirement for most businesses in the City of Lawrence. Please understand, however, that there are certain trades, occupations, and businesses that must obtain a business license before they can operate in the City of Lawrence. For instance, if you will have an establishment that will serve alcohol or if you are a massage therapist, you must get licenses specific to those vocations before business can begin. For the complete list of occupations and business that are required to possess a business license or other business permit, visit

If you have any questions regarding the requirements, please call the City Clerk's Office at (785) 832-3201. It is recommended that even if you don’t think that you will need to obtain a business license that you still have pertinent information about your business available such as your business name, business location, business plan, social security numbers for all business owners, and a valid contact telephone number.

What information is needed to complete a Lawrence application?

The businesses that need to complete an application are limited and are specific to each different occupation. Generally, the information that is needed is the name of business, contact person, mailing address, business telephone number, Federal Identification number, State Sales Tax Number, whether the business is a corporation or partnership, whether or not any applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, social security number(s), and signature of all applicants.

Is my location permitted for business in Lawrence?

Although a business license is most likely not required for you, it is required by the City of Lawrence that you verify with them about your prospective business location before your business commences. Failure to verify may cause fees and interest to be incurred. To check whether or not your location is acceptable to the Planning and Development Services zoning parameters, please call (785) 832-3150. If you prefer to go to the Planning and Development Services Department in person or simply want to send written correspondence, go to or write to:

Planning and Development Services
City Hall, First Floor
6 East 6th Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66044

Is my building site permitted for business?

To determine whether or not the City of Lawrence allows for your site to be built upon for the purposes of business, it is crucial that you contact the Development Services Division. They have information regarding: where to secure a permit, applicable permit fees, permit time length, how long it takes to receive a building permit, and general information on building permits. The telephone number for the Development Services Division is (785) 832-7700. The necessary steps must be taken with this Division first, otherwise charges and interest may apply.

What should I do if I will have a transient, solicitor, or peddler business?

This is defined by any business or person who will travel by any means, from house to house, street to street, place to place, attempting to take orders or taking orders for goods. Any of such business activity is required to have a Transient Merchant License or a Solicitor-Peddler’s License. The applications for these business activities are found at the City of Lawrence’s website: There is an annual fee and it expires at the end of each calendar year on December 31st and must be renewed by January 31st of the following year.

How do I obtain an alcohol license?

In the City of Lawrence, there are two different categories that serving alcohol falls under, an Alcohol License and a Cereal Malt Beverage License. The difference between the two is distinguished by the percentage of alcohol by volume. For libations that contain no more than 3.2 % of alcohol, the license is the Cereal Malt Beverage License. For those that are more than 3.2 % of alcohol the Alcohol License is required. To obtain the application, please visit the City of Lawrence’s website:

Do you have any other questions or concerns?

Contact the City of Lawrence, City Clerk’s Office at (785) 832-3201, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

City of Lawrence
City Clerk’s Office
6 East 6th Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66044

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

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