Apply For A Business License Birmingham, Alabama
Do I need a business license to operate in the City of Birmingham?
Any individual or business wishing to engage in business within the city limits of Birmingham, Alabama will need to complete the City of Birmingham Business License Application. Business licenses are good from the date of issuance until the end of the calendar year and then must be renewed annually, with the exception of temporary event or transient businesses. Businesses will need to renew by February 15th, except alcoholic beverage licenses (January 15th) and insurance companies (March 15th). Business Licenses applied for after the first of the year will be prorated (except for alcoholic beverage licenses) quarterly depending on the date of the license being issued. The Application for Tax Certificate (ATC) must also be completed before or at the same time the business license application is submitted. For “controlled” licenses (alcoholic beverage, dance, pool table, and home based businesses) there are additional requirements and must be applied for in person by appointment with the Tax and License Administration Division.
Where do I apply for a Birmingham business license?
You can pick up or request by mail an application:
City of Birmingham
Tax and License Administration Division
First Floor, City Hall (TL-100)
710 North 20th Street
Birmingham, AL 35203
Hours are Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
For other questions regarding licensing, contact the Tax and License Division by phone (205) 254-2198 or fax (205) 254-2963.
What is the cost associated with a business license in Birmingham?
Fees are based on the annual gross receipts of the business or in case of a new business, annualized after the first 90 days of the business with a sworn affidavit. After the first year, the license will be calculated according to the gross receipts for the preceding year. In addition check the following link for the appropriate tax code for your business.
What will I need to complete the business license application process?
In addition to the Birmingham city application and the Application for Tax Certificate (ATC), you will need to have the following information:
- Contact information and drivers license numbers for sole proprietorships and partnerships
- Articles of Incorporation copy that was filed with the Alabama Secretary of State and/or other states if applicable, if your business is a corporation
- Health Permit if business is a food or eating establishment
- Zoning Certificate of Operation for day care centers
- Copies of state licenses or certifications, if applicable
- Home Occupation Certificate of Agreement for home based businesses
- City of Birmingham Taxpayer Identification Number (issued when ATC is completed)
- Taxpayer name
- Business trade name
- Home address in Birmingham
- Description of business activi
- Square footage of business/residence
- Name of business and owner(s) and contact information
- Knowledge of the nature of business, products sold, and employees
- Mailing and physical address for business
- Federal Taxpayer ID number
Date business scheduled to begin in Birmingham
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