Apply For A Business License Rochester, Minnesota
Are you planning to open a business in Rochester, Minnesota?
Depending on the type of business that you plan to open, you may need to be issued a business license from the City of Rochester, Minnesota. Many applications are available online from the City of Rochester website. You may also request a business license application in person by visiting the Office of the City Clerk of Rochester at 201 4th Street, SE in room 135. There are many different types of business licenses available for Rochester businesses, including liquor licenses, massage-related businesses, secondhand businesses, etc. You may need to discuss your business activities with the City Clerk prior to applying for a business license to be sure that you are using the correct business license application. They can be reached by phone at (507) 328-2900.
Will you need additional licenses or permits for your Rochester, MN business?
There may be additional licenses and/or permits that you may be required to obtain before you open your Rochester, MN business. Often, certain businesses will be required to have police and/or fire department approvals or inspections and some liquor licenses will be broken into categories which may require you to apply for more than one license. Some businesses will need to have a federal employer’s ID number issued from the IRS and you may also need a state sales tax number from the Minnesota Department of Revenue. You may need to contact the City Clerk’s Office at (507) 328-2900 for assistance in determining if your business will be required to have additional licenses and/or permits.
Do you have all the necessary information to complete a Rochester business license application
?Because each business type has its own business license application, all the business license applications will require different information to be completed. There will be some general information, such as the name of your business, your business activities, the name and contact information of the applicant and each owner which will be included on all business license application. You may need to supply information regarding any criminal convictions that you have had and ordinance violation information. You may also need to submit to a criminal background check. Often, the applicant will need to supply information about their physical appearance, such as height and weight and any distinguishing marks or tattoos. You may be asked to submit a color photograph to be kept on file at the City Clerk’s Office. This is especially important for those that will be preforming massage or door to door peddling, but may also be required of other businesses. If you have any questions pertaining to the information that you will need to complete a business license application in Rochester, contact the Rochester City Clerk at (507) 328-2900.
What costs are associated with a business license application in Rochester, Minnesota?
Your business license costs will be based on the type of business license application that you use for your business. Generally, your business license costs will be listed on your business license application. However, there may be additional costs related to inspections, approvals, permits, and/or other licenses. You will want to be in contact with the City Clerk’s Office for assistance in calculating your business license costs if it is not clearly stated on your business license application. They are available by calling (507) 328-2900.
Do you have questions or concerns regarding a Rochester, MN business license?
Contact the City Clerk of Rochester by calling (507) 328-2900 or by visiting them in person at 201 4th Street, SE in room 135 in Rochester. The City of Rochester has a very informative website that is helpful for those that plan to open their own business in the city of Rochester, Minnesota as well.
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