Apply For A Business License Bloomington, Minnesota

Is a business license required to operate a business in Bloomington?

Those that are planning to operate a business in Bloomington may need to apply for a specific license such as a massage therapist license, a door to door solicitors license, a license for a special event, or a liquor license. The Bloomington City website has several licenses applications that are available to be printed and filled in. If you prefer to request an application or apply in person or the application best suited to your business is not available online, you may visit the Licensing Section of the City Clerk’s Office at 1800 West Old Shakopee Road in Bloomington. 

What information will be necessary to complete a Bloomington business license?

The information that you will provide on your business license application will really depend on the type of business that you plan to conduct. For example, if you are planning to operate a massage-related business, you will need to file the application for a massage therapist. The information that you provide will likely include your name, the name of your business, all of the contact information regarding your business, including a physical as well as a mailing address. You may also need to include your valid driver’s license information, your date of birth, a physical description of yourself (hair color, eye color, height and weight) and your current address and contact information. Depending on the license application type, there may be questions regarding your citizenship, whether you have a criminal history, and information regarding any other licenses you may have.

You will also need to give information on the type of business which you will be conducting. Most business license applications require a signature that certifies that all information that you have provided is true and correct and that you will allow the city of Bloomington to investigate your background and make inquiries to verify all information provided on your business license application. Some business license applications require a notary public seal. Be aware that some applications will require you to apply in person so that a photo identification card may be made. If you have questions regarding your business license application, you can contact the City Clerk’s Office at (952) 563-8728.

What are the costs associated with a Bloomington business license?

You will need to contact the City Clerk’s Office at (952)563-8728 for information regarding the cost of a business license. You may need to pay for each license separately and some businesses require several licenses. 

Do you need more information?

Contact the Licensing Section of the City Clerk’s Office at 1800 West Old Shakopee Road in Bloomington for information regarding obtaining a business license in Bloomington, or if you wish, contact them by phone at (952) 563-8728. The website for the City of Bloomington has information that you may find helpful as well.

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