Apply For A Business License Hartford, Connecticut

Opening a business in Hartford, Connecticut and need a business license?

Your first point of contact will be the Hartford, CT Economic Development Division located at 250 Constitution Plaza on the fourth floor. They can be reached by phone at (860) 757-9070 for information on obtaining a business license in Hartford and any information that is needed for starting your business in Hartford. The City of Hartford website has a small business toolkit which is designed to help you navigate through the steps of starting your own business. You can request a Hartford business license application from the License and Inspections Division when you have reviewed the small business toolkit and are confident that you have all your paperwork and information in order to open your business. The Hartford, CT License and Inspections Division is located at 260 Constitution Plaza, Hartford.

What type of Hartford business license will you need?

The License and Inspections Division in Hartford, Connecticut will likely issue a general business license for most businesses. The general Hartford business licenses include:

  1. Pool hall
  2. Solicitor
  3. Tattoo parlor
  4. Vending
  5. Secondhand shop
  6. Pawn broker
  7. Short-term help
  8. Dance hall

There may be other licenses in Hartford that are not included on this list. You may wish to contact the License and Inspections Division General Business Administrative Assistant at (860) 757-9246 for more information regarding general Hartford, CT business licenses.

Will you need other licenses or permits in Hartford, CT?

You may, if you plan to conduct certain businesses in Hartford. For example, those that operate a restaurant will likely be required to obtain a health permit and health inspections. If you plan to serve or sell alcohol, there is a good possibility that you will need to be issued a Connecticut liquor license.  Often, businesses need inspections from the fire or police department for safety. You may be required to obtain a background check for certain Hartford businesses. There may be additional federal and/or Connecticut state licenses and permits that you may be required to obtain in order to operate your business. It is best to contact the Hartford License and Inspections Division at (860) 757-9200 with any questions regarding permits, inspections, and licenses beyond a general business license. 

What information is necessary on a Hartford business license application?

Generally, business licenses in Hartford require most of the following information:

  1. Name of business
  2. Physical address, mailing address, and all contact phone numbers associated with business
  3. Business owner’s name, all contact information, social security number, birthdate, and valid driver’s license information
  4. Description of business activities
  5. Federal employer’s ID number (if applicable)
  6. Information regarding any criminal convictions, misdemeanors, and/or ordinance violations against applicant
  7. Ownership type of business (solely owned, corporation, LLC/LLP, trust, or partnership)
  8. Signature of all owners

There may be more information to complete a business license in Hartford. This list is in no way exhaustive. If you require more information, contact the License and Inspections Division at (860) 757-9200.

Do you need more information about Hartford business licenses or permits?

If you need more information, visit the Hartford city website or contact one of the following offices:

Department of Development Services
License and Inspections Division
260 Constitution Plaza
Hartford, CT 06103
Telephone: (860) 757-9200
Fax: (860) 722-6374

Department of Development Services
Economic Development Division
250 Constitution Plaza
4th Floor
Telephone:(860) 757-9070
Fax: (860) 722-6074

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