Apply For A Business License North Little Rock, Arkansas
Will I need to have a business license to operate a business in North Little Rock?
Any individual or company that owns or operates a business in North North Little Rock must first obtain a City of North North Little Rock Business Privilege License. The business privilege license application must be completed and fees paid before your business can begin operation. The City of North North Little Rock separates these applications depending on whether your business is a corporation or non-corporation and if you have inventory or not.
In addition, a signed zoning certificate, completed fire inspection, and compliance with the municipal code must be in order before the start of business. Some businesses are required to have additional permits or requirements such as alcohol, hotel and restaurants, parks and recreation, and events.
What information will I need to complete the City of North Little Rock Business Privilege License application?
You will need the following information:
- Official name and type of business
- Physical address in North Little Rock
- Previous business location, if applicable
- Anticipated start of business date in North Little Rock
- Number of employees
- Federal Tax Identification Number
- Description of business operations
- Contact information for owner(s) or highest officer(s)
- Previous business name and type of business at North Little Rock location
- If business is operated out of your home
- Describe any need of construction to be done at business location
- Average inventory amount (add highest and lowest months and divide by two), for initial year amount use the beginning inventory amount
How much will it cost for a North Little Rock business license?
There is a fee schedule for all types of businesses in North Little Rock. This will usually involve a base fee and a variable fee if applicable. Click on the Business License Fee Schedule to review the type of fee associated with your business. For example, the cost associated with businesses operating with an inventory is calculated by taking the average amount inventory and multiplying the amount by .22 percent. An alternative method can be used by multiplying $2.20 for each $1,000 of inventory. There will be a base fee in addition to the variable fee associated with your inventory or type of business.
How do I apply for a North Little Rock business license?
Business license applications and fees should be mailed to the City Clerk & Collector’s Office:
City Hall
City Clerk & Treasurer’s Office
P.O. Box 5757
North Little Rock, AR 72119
(501) 975-8617
Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license
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