Apply For A Business License Cleveland, Ohio

For Cleveland, Ohio, is a business license or a permit required?

Yes, but only for a small group of business types and activities. The City of Cleveland mandates prospective business owners to obtain a business permit or license. Some of the most popular permits and licenses are: Liquor License (includes alcohol establishment, temporary alcohol establishment and alcohol serving done through the State of Ohio not the City), Food Vendor Permit (encompasses mobile food vendors, food establishments and temporary food establishment), Solicitor’s Permit, Multi-Tenant Operating Permit, and Construction and Pluming Permit. All business owners are obligated to complete the Certificate of Occupancy Application and submit it to the Planning and Community Development. They will then inspect your business property and ensure its safety and compliance for your business type. There are over 130 types of permits and licenses that the City of Cleveland offers. For a complete list please visit their webpage at: Cleveland Business License and Permits

What cost can be expected to obtain a business license or business permit in Cleveland?

Some of the costs are published online, some are not. Licenses and permits for the City of Cleveland begin at $25 and can go up to $2,225. Therefore, for an estimate you must call the City of Cleveland Division of Assessments and Licenses at (216) 664-2260.

What should you do for a Cleveland Liquor License?

First, you must find out whether or not you will be able to open a liquor store. For details, contact the State of Ohio at (888) 338-6446. Next, you will need to obtain the State of Ohio Liquor License Application at Ohio Department of Taxation. The fee begins at $25 and goes up from there. When speaking with a representative from the State of Ohio, they will also be able to give you an estimate based on what type of liquor you plan to serve or sell.

What information will be needed to submit a business license application or permit in Cleveland?

You will need to give the applicant name, permanent address, business address in town, date of birth, driver license number, nature of business, description of goods to be sold, name(s) of employer or employees, address of employer and employees, driver’s license for each employee, dates of solicitation (if applicable), alcohol type being served and sold (if applicable), proof of State of Ohio liquor approval (if applicable), whether you will receive or accept deposit or total payment in advance of final delivery, State Sales and Use Tax Permit number (call the State of Ohio at (888) 338-6446), vehicles being used for business (include make, model, and VIN), and signatures of applicant and business owners including the dates.

What should you do for a Solicitor’s Permit in Cleveland, Ohio?

You will be required to complete the Solicitor's Permit application. This application can be located at Cleveland Business License. The application may be printed from this website address but it is not interactive. The form must be signed prior to submittal and the required fees are due at the time of submittal. The fees can be determined by speaking to a representative at the City of Cleveland at (216) 664-4592. The fees vary depending on the specifics of your business venture. Everyone who wishes to have a vendor or solicitation type business is required to purchase a $1,000 surety bond made payable to the City of Cleveland. The application fee is $35. There may be other additional fees. After you inquire as to the fees due, you are able to mail this form to:

City of Cleveland
Division of Assessments and Licenses
601 Lakeside Avenue
Room 122
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Where can you apply for a Cleveland business license and permit?

The permits available can be found at Cleveland Business License or you may go to the City Hall directly at:

City of Cleveland
Division of Assessments and Licenses
601 Lakeside Avenue
Room 122
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Are there any additional questions or concerns about business licenses in Cleveland?

Please call the City of Cleveland Division of Assessments and Licenses at (216) 664-2260. If you require the fax number it is (216) 664-4592. The office is located at:

City of Cleveland
Division of Assessments and Licenses
601 Lakeside Avenue
Room 122
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Please note that the hours of operation are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. However, permits are not issued after 4:30 p.m. each day. You may additionally visit the website at Cleveland Business License.

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