Apply For A Business License Akron, Ohio
Would you like to receive a business license in Akron, Ohio?
If you would like to obtain a business license in Akron, we have provided some essential information below. Before you even get started, it is recommended that you discover whether or not you will be required by the city to receive a business license. The City of Akron only mandates certain business types and activities to obtain a licensing, this type of licensure is called “business-specific” or “license specific.” The list can be found below, underneath the next question. However, the City of Akron may update the list at any time, so you may want to visit the city’s website at Akron Licenses.
What businesses are required to obtain city licensing?
Many business types are not obligated to have city licensing. There is a select group of business services that must possess licensing issued by the City of Akron in order to lawfully operate. These licenses are:
- Ambulance License
- Arcade or Pool Room License
- Bicycle License
- Alarm Business License
- Carnival License
- Day Labor Pool License
- Discontinuing Business Sale License
- Firearms Dealer License
- Gasoline Pumps License
- Ice Cream Itinerant Retailer License
- Truck or Petting Zoo License
Massage Parlor Establishment License - Masseur or Masseuse
- Itinerant Retailer License
- Roller Skating Rink License
- Secondhand Dealer License
- Shooting Galleries License
- Small Scale Business License
- Taxi Cab or Transportation Company License
If you would like to visit the city’s web page for this list, you may visit
What information do you need to complete any of the business license applications in Akron?
The information that you will need to gather is fairly generic from one business license application to the next:
- Name
- Company Name
- Address
- Business Service
- Hours of Operation
- Business Location
- Social Security Number
- Driver’s license Number
- Federal I.D. Number
- Telephone
- Business Insurance Information
- Certificate of Registration Number (if applicable)
- Signature and Date
What prices can you expect to obtain a business license in Akron, Ohio?
The most current prices are:
- Arcade or Pool Room - $170.00 annually
- Bicycle - $1.00 one-time business registration fee non transferable
- Alarm Business - $150.00 annually
- Carnival - $50.00 per day
- Day Labor Pool - $200.00 annually, per business location
- Discontinuing Business Sale - $25.00 per 45 day period for inventory under $10,000, 1/4 of 1% for inventory over $10,000
- Firearms Dealer - $50.00 annually
- Gasoline Pumps - $30.00 per pump
- Ice Cream Itinerant Retailer - $150.00 annually per truck
- Truck or Petting Zoo - $100.00 annually (both permanent and mobile)
$50.00 for 7 days (temporary)
$10.00 Renewal additional 7 days
$5.00 (non-profit) - Massage Parlor - $185.00 annually
- Masseur or Masseuse - $85.00 annually
- Itinerant Retailer - $100.00 annually
- Roller Skating Rink - $185.00 annually
- Secondhand Dealer - $50.00 annually
- Shooting Galleries - $75.00 semi-annually
- Small Scale Business - $30 business, $30 annually
- Taxi Cab or Transportation Company - $250 annually plus $10 per vehicle
If you have any questions regarding pricing or rates, please call the Assessment Division at (330) 375-2484.
Do you want information regarding possible financial and business assistance for your Akron business?
If you would like details about what type of programs may be available to you, please contact the Akron Small Business Development Center by visiting Akron Small Business or by calling (330) 375-2111. Additionally, the Mayor’s Office has a Small Business Center as well. They can be contacted at (330) 375-2200 or at Akron Small Business Development Center.
Where can you apply for your Akron business license?
At this time, some of the business license applications are available online, some are not. You may call the City of Akron License Division at (330) 375-2220 or you may go to the office in person:
City of Akron
Assessments and Business License Division
Room 100
161 South High Street
Akron, OH 44308
Please have your valid, DMV-issued photo identification as well as the means to pay the required fees with either a check or major credit card.
Do you have any remaining questions?
If you have any additional questions regarding obtaining an Akron business license, please contact the City of Akron at (330) 375-2484 or (330) 375-2200.
City of Akron
Assessments and Business License Division
Room 100
161 South High Street
Akron, OH 44308
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