Apply For A Business License Flint, Michigan

Do I need a Flint, Michigan business license?

You need a business license to do business in Flint, Michigan if you are participating in any kind of sales of goods or services and if you occupy any part of a building in order to conduct your business or exhibit or sell your merchandise. If you participate in this kind of business then you must be licensed as an Initial Merchant. With an Initial Merchant License, you are allowed to exhibit and sell goods and merchandise at the site of your business. The Initial Merchant License is required for all businesses that operate in Flint, Michigan, even small businesses.

The licensing and fee structure information on the Flint City Clerk’s Office website ( contains a list of the types of business licenses offered in Flint, Michigan. Free permits are available for some door-to-door sales, while others require a license.

How do I apply for a Flint, Michigan business license?

To make the initial application, you must go to the License Division of the Flint City Clerk’s Office in person. The Flint City Clerk’s Office is located at Flint City Hall:

Flint City Clerk
2nd Floor Flint City Hall
Licensing Room, Suite 201C
1101 S. Saginaw Street
Flint, Michigan 48502

Phone: 810-766-7416
Fax: 810-766-7480

Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

What will my Flint business license cost?

The cost of your business license depends on what kind of license it is. All licenses (except for the Initial Merchant License) are annual and must be renewed every year. The Initial Merchant License does not have to be renewed. The licensing and fee information for each type of business license can be found online at the City of Flint website:

What information do I need to apply for a business license in Flint, Michigan?

For complete information on what information you need to apply for a business license, contact the Flint City Clerk’s Office by calling 810-766-7416.

You will need to supply a photo of yourself when you apply for the Initial Merchant License. If you are applying as a peddler you will need two pictures and if you are applying as a taxi cab driver or an ambulance driver you will need three pictures.

Business names can be filed at the Genesee County Clerk’s Office, located at 900 S. Saginaw Street, 2nd floor. You can contact the office at 810-257-3225 for more information.

When will I get my Flint business license?

Flint business licenses are usually issued about four to six weeks after the initial application.

How do I renew my Flint business license?

You may not have to go again in person to the Flint City Clerk’s Office to renew your business license. You may renew some types of business licenses by mail. Others, however, do have to be renewed in person. You do not have to renew your Initial Merchant License.

Where can I find more information?

For more information on obtaining your Flint, Michigan business license, visit the City of Flint City Clerk’s Office Licensing Division website at

If you are interested in more information on business training or counseling, including developing a business plan, you can contact Community Capital Development Corporation at 810-239-5575.

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