Apply For A Business License Bossier City, Louisiana

How do I obtain a business license or Occupational License for the Bossier City?

At this time there is not a way to apply online. There are, however, two ways in which to obtain the occupational license application form and the tax registration application to apply for a business license. You can call Bossier City at (318) 741-8555 to request the occupational license application and the tax registration application or you can write for the forms to be mailed to you:

City of Bossier City - Tax Department License Division
Bossier City Municipal Complex
620 Benton Road or (P.O. Box 5399, 71171-5399)
Bossier City, LA 71171

Does Bossier City require an occupational license?

Yes. Every single business entity is obligated to complete and file the occupational license application and the tax registration application, whether or not the business is purchased from another entity, a seasonal business, or a non-profit organization.

What fees can I expect to incur for a Bossier license?

At the time of applying for a business license, you must also simultaneously pay a temporary license fee, also known as a tentative license fee. If your business will begin after June 30 of the current year then the temporary fee is lowered. The fee is due to the Tax Department License Division. You may pay either by phone, in person, or by mail to:

Tax Department License Division
Bossier City Municipal Complex
First Floor
Bossier City, LA 71171
(318) 741-8555

Subsequently each following year, the occupational license tax is due on March 1 of the following year and is for the previous calendar year ending on December 31. The occupational license tax is the tax for the privilege of conducting business within Bossier City’s corporate limits and is based on the annual gross receipts of each entity or person. The tax is defined by the business physically being in the parameters of the City’s corporate limits. For information on what your occupational license tax will be for the following year, please call the Occupational License Division at (318) 741-8555.

What information is needed for a business license in Bossier?

The application is occasionally updated, but the general information necessary is the same:

  1. Name of business
  2. Name of partnership, proprietor, person, or corporation
  3. Social security number(s)
  4. Business description
  5. Sales and Use Tax information
  6. Chain store information, if needed
  7. Owner or entity’s address and telephone number
  8. Business location
  9. Business telephone number
  10. Date business will commence
  11. Type of business, ex: home-based business or retail
  12. Signature and date

Do I need zoning clearance for the City of Bossier?

Yes. The Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) governs zoning and occupancy. In order to receive a business license or Occupational License, you must visit their office to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy before the Occupational License can be issued to you. Before you go, you may call them at (318) 741-8824 for preliminary information.

Metropolitan Planning Commission
Bossier City Municipal Complex
Second Floor
620 Benton Road or (P.O. Box 5399, 71171-5399)
Bossier City, LA 71111

Is there any financial assistance for my Bossier City small business?

Yes. The State of Louisiana through the U.S. Small Business Administration offers grants, bonds, loans, and other types of financial assistance to small business owners. For a determination on whether any financial assistance is applicable to you, contact the Louisiana U.S. Small Business Administration at (504) 589-6685.

How do I find more information?

Office hours for Bossier City, the Town of Haughton and the Town of Benton are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The Bossier City’s Occupational License Division’s telephone number is (318) 741-8555. You may also view Bossier City’s website at Bossier City.

City of Bossier City- Tax Department License Division
Bossier City Municipal Complex
620 Benton Road or (P.O. Box 5399, 71171-5399)
Bossier City, LA 71111

If you are within the corporate limits of Benton or Haughton, the following addresses and telephone numbers can be used to obtain business license applications and information:

Town of Benton
105 Sibley Street
Benton, LA 71006
(318) 965-2781
Town of Haughton
118 W McKinley Avenue
Haughton, LA 71037
(318) 949-9401

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

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This site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or tax advise. The information on this site should not be relied upon as an official source of information and should be independently verified.


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