Apply For A Business License Fargo, North Dakota

Are business licenses required to do business in Fargo, North Dakota?

Fargo business licenses are not required for businesses operating within the city limits of Fargo. However, there are a few exceptions that must complete an application and adhere to city zoning regulations and tax requirements.

Below is a list of those businesses, along with the fees required and the date that the license expires for annual licenses:

  • Alcohol requires separate requirements and application - contact the Auditor's Office
  • Automotive Service Station (Full or Self Service) - contact the Auditor’s Office
  • Bulk Oil Plants - contact the Auditor’s Office
  • Businesses that display adult entertainment devices - contact the Auditor’s Office
  • Commercial Hauler - $1,000, June 30
  • Dance Hall - contact the Auditor’s Office
  • Excavator - $100, plus $5,000 bond (first-time excavator is required to pay a one-time $500 damage deposit), expiration varies
  • Handicapped Van Service - $10, December 31
  • House Mover - $100, expiration varies
  • Journeyman Heating - $20, December 31
  • Kennel - $30, December 31
  • Limousine - $50 for first vehicle, $15 per additional vehicles, December 31
  • Master Heating - $100, expiration varies
  • Master Plumber - $100, December 31
  • Pawn Broker - $250, plus $5,000 bond (first-time pawn broker requires initial fee of $500 plus $250 investigation fee), December 31
  • Pet Sales - $25, December 31
  • Precious Gems & Metals - $100, December 31
  • Re-roofing - contact the Auditor’s Office
  • Secondhand Dealer - $250, plus $5,000 bond (first-time secondhand dealer requires initial fee of $500 plus $250 investigation fee), December 31
  • Sidewalk Builder - $100 plus $25,000 bond, expiration varies
  • Sign Hanger - $100, expiration varies
  • Taxi Cab - $50 for first vehicle, $15 per additional vehicles, December 31
  • What about Fargo home-based businesses?

    Home-based businesses are allowed in the City of Fargo. However, unless they fall under the above-stated specialty businesses, they are not required to obtain a business license.

    Where do we send the Fargo applications and fees?

    For businesses required to obtain licenses or permits:

               City Auditor’s Office
                200 3rd Street North
                Fargo, ND 58102
                Phone: (701) 241-1300
                Business Hours: Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except holidays

    What information is required to complete the application?

    Here is the information required to fill out the Fargo business license application:

  • Name and physical address of business
  • Contact information for owner
  • License number for any required state licenses if applicable
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Check or money order for associated fees

    Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

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    This site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or tax advise. The information on this site should not be relied upon as an official source of information and should be independently verified.


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