Apply For A Business License Gary, Indiana
Would you like to receive a business license in Gary, Indiana?
If you would like to obtain a City of Gary business license, there are a few things that are essential to know. Before you even get started, you should be aware that the City of Gary does have a business license called the “General Business license.” All business owners are required by the city to receive a business license or permit of some kind. If your business service is not in the list below then you will need to apply for the General Business License. However, the City of Gary may update the list at any time, so if you prefer, you may visit the city’s website at Gary Business License.
What businesses are required to obtain city licensing in Gary, IN?
If your business type or service is not in the list below, then you will need to complete the General Business License. You must possess licensing issued by the City of Gary in order to lawfully operate. These licenses and permits are:
- Amusement Device Operator Permit
- Amusement Device Vendor Permit
- Billiard and Pool Hall Permit
- Bowling Alley Permit
- Circuses and Carnivals
- Dry Cleaning Permit
- Flea Market Operators License
- Massage Parlor
- Food License, mobile and retail
- Masseur or Masseuse
- General Business License
- Hotel and Motel License
- Limousine Operations Business License
- Junk Dealer License
- Parade License
- Pawnbroker License
- Public Amusement License
- Riding Stable and Academies License
- Scavenger License
- Secondhand Auto Dealer
- Taxi Cab or Transportation Company
If you would like to visit the city’s web page for this list, you may visit Gary Business License page on the city website.
What information do you need to complete any of the business license applications in Gary, Indiana?
The information that you will need to gather relatively basic:
- Name
- Company Name
- Address
- Business service
- Hours of operation
- Business location
- Social security number
- Driver’s license number
- Federal I.D. number
- Telephone
- Business insurance information
- Certificate of registration number (if applicable)
- Signature and date
What prices can you expect to obtain a business license in Gary, Indiana?
If you have any questions regarding pricing or rates, please call the Finance Department at (219) 881-1363. All applications can be found online at
Gary Business License.
Do you want information regarding possible financial and business assistance for your Gary business?
If you are looking for details about what type of programs may be available to you, please contact the Gary Finance Department at (219) 881-1363 or visit their website:
Where can you apply for your Gary business license?
At this time, some of the business license applications are available online, some are not. You may call the City of Gary Finance Department at (219) 881-1363 or you may go to the office in person:
City of Gary
Zoning Department
401 Broadway
3rd Floor
Gary, IN 46402
The General Business License can be found online. Please have your valid, DMV-issued photo identification as well as the means to pay the required fees with either a check or major credit card.
Do you have any remaining questions?
If you have any additional questions regarding obtaining a Gary business license, please contact the City of Gary at (219) 881-1363. The hours of operation are regularly Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
City of Gary
Business Licenses
401 Broadway
3rd Floor
Gary, IN 46402
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