Apply For A Syracuse Marriage License
Where should a couple go to apply for a marriage license in Syracuse, New York?
Couples in Syracuse may choose to go to any City or Town Clerk’s office in the state of New York to apply for a marriage license. Marriage licenses issued in New York State are valid anywhere in New York State. The Syracuse City Clerk’s office is located in Syracuse City Hall at 233 East Washington Street in Syracuse. To speak with someone in the office concerning marriage licenses, couples can call 448-8382. Couples may also want to visit the Syracuse City Clerk’s office website at Syracuse Marriage License. There is more information about how to apply for a marriage license on the site.
What legal requirements does a couple need to meet to receive a marriage license in Syracuse, New York?
To receive a marriage license, a couple needs to appear at the Syracuse City Clerk’s office together in person. There at the City Clerk’s office, they need to present their birth certificates as well as a valid, government-issued photo I.D. such as a driver’s license or a passport. A couple cannot receive a marriage license without parental consent if either person is under 18 years of age. If either person has been married previously and the marriage ended in divorce or death of a spouse, that person needs to bring the divorce decree or the death certificate when he or she applies for a marriage license at the Syracuse City Clerk’s office.
Are blood tests obligatory for a couple to receive a marriage license in Syracuse, New York?
No, blood tests are not obligatory, since blood tests are no longer required by New York State law to be submitted as part of the marriage license application.
What is the fee that a couple needs to pay to receive a marriage license at the Syracuse City Clerk’s office?
The couple must pay the marriage license fee of $40.00. A person may choose to pay with cash, check, or money order. Checks should be made payable to the “Office of the City Clerk.”
Is there a waiting period after the marriage license is issued by the Syracuse City Clerk’s office?
Yes, the waiting period of 24 hours must have passed before a couple can be married in Syracuse, New York.
When do marriage licenses issued by the Syracuse City Clerk’s office expire?
Marriage licenses issued by the Syracuse City Clerk’s office expire 60 days after the day that they are issued. If a person is active military, his or her marriage license expires 180 days after the day that the license is issued by the Syracuse City Clerk’s office.
Who can perform wedding ceremonies in Syracuse, New York?
Wedding ceremonies in Syracuse can be performed by anyone who is authorized to perform wedding ceremonies in the state of New York. Religious leaders such as priests, rabbis, and ministers are authorized to perform weddings. Judges and justices of the peace are also authorized.
Who can issue marriage certificates in Syracuse, New York?
The Syracuse City Clerk’s office can issue marriage certificates as soon as the original marriage license is signed and returned to the office for recording. There is a $10.00 fee for certified copies of the marriage certificate.
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