Apply For An Olathe Marriage License
What is the best way to obtain a marriage license in Olathe, Kansas?
To obtain a marriage license the bride or groom must apply at the Johnson County Court Clerk’s office located at 100 N. Kansas Avenue, Olathe, Kansas. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The number to the Johnson County Clerk’s office is 913-715-3428.
How old do I have to be to apply for a marriage license in Olathe, Kansas?
You must be at least 18 years old to apply for a marriage license in Olathe, Kansas. Any applicant under 18 years of age can provide written consent in order to qualify for a marriage license. You can learn more about age/consent requirements on the Johnson County Clerk’s Office website: Olathe Marriage License.
Will I receive my Olathe, Kansas marriage license on the day I apply for it?
No, there is a mandatory 3 business-day waiting period before you can pick up your marriage license. The marriage license is only valid in the state of Kansas.
Do the bride and groom both need to come to the Johnson County Clerk’s office to apply for a marriage license?
No, only one applicant needs to be present to apply for an Olathe, Kansas marriage license.
What is the cost for an Olathe, Kansas marriage license?
There is an $85.50 fee for a marriage license in Olathe, Kansas. You may pay the marriage license fee by cash, credit card, or money order. Cashier’s checks made out to the “Clerk of the District Court” are also acceptable. No personal checks are allowed.
Will we need to get blood tests before we apply for our marriage license in Olathe, Kansas?
No, blood tests are not required for a marriage license in Olathe, Kansas.
Are there any other requirements we should be aware of when we apply for our Olathe, Kansas marriage license?
You will be asked to swear under oath that you are not closely related. You must also swear under oath that neither of the applicant’s has a spouse. If the bride or groom has been divorced, there is 30-day waiting period from the time the divorce decree was filed until you can apply for a marriage license in Olathe, Kansas. The Johnson County Clerk’s office provides more information about a marriage license online at Olathe Marriage License.
Who is authorized to perform a wedding ceremony in Olathe, Kansas?
Any currently ordained religious authority or clergyman may perform the wedding. Current or retired judges of the 10th Judicial District may also perform it.
When will the Olathe, Kansas marriage license expire?
The marriage license will expire after 6 months.
After the wedding, what do the bride and groom need to do to get their marriage certificate?
After the completed marriage license has been returned, the bride and groom will need to wait three weeks to request the marriage certificate from the Office of Vital Statistics. To learn more about receiving your marriage certificate, you can visit: Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
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