Apply For A Lakewood Marriage License
How does an engaged couple obtain a marriage license in Lakewood, Washington?
To obtain a marriage license, an engaged couple in Lakewood will need to go to the Pierce County Auditor’s office, which can be found in the Pierce County Annex at 2401 S. 35th Street, Room 200, Tacoma, Washington. The office can be contacted by phone by calling (253) 798-7435. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Detailed information about how to apply for a marriage license either in person, by mail, or online can be found on the Pierce County official website at Lakewood Marriage License.
Can an engaged couple apply online for a marriage license in Lakewood, Washington?
Yes. The link to the online marriage license application can be found online on the Pierce County official website at Lakewood Marriage License. However, the couple will still have to visit the Pierce County Auditor’s office to complete the online application process.
How does an engaged couple qualify for a marriage license in Lakewood, Washington?
A couple qualifies to receive a marriage license in Lakewood, Washington as long as both applicants are single and at least 18 years of age. Both applicants must present photo I.D. such as a driver’s license. If an applicant is 17 years old, he or she can apply for a marriage license in Pierce County as long as he or she has parental consent. If an applicant is 16 years old or younger, he or she can apply for a marriage license in Pierce County as long as he or she has court approval. Residency is not required for a couple to qualify for a marriage license in Lakewood.
How long does the marriage license remain valid in Lakewood, Washington?
The marriage license remains valid for a period of 60 days after it is issued by Pierce County. There will be a waiting period of 3 days before the wedding ceremony can take place. A marriage license issued by Pierce County will be valid anywhere in the state of Washington.
Are blood tests required to obtain a marriage license in Lakewood, Washington?
No—neither blood tests nor physical examinations are required as part of the marriage license application in Lakewood, Washington.
How much should an engaged couple expect to pay to obtain a marriage license in Lakewood, Washington?
An engaged couple should expect to pay the required marriage license fee of $64.00 in order to obtain a marriage license in Pierce County. The fee may be paid by cash, money order, or cashier’s check.
Who can officiate at the wedding ceremony in Lakewood, Washington?
Any Washington judge or any authorized ordained member of religious clergy can officiate at the wedding ceremony in Lakewood, Washington.
How does an engaged couple obtain a marriage certificate in Lakewood, Washington?
Once married, a couple can request a certified copy of the marriage certificate from the Pierce County Auditor’s office. They may make the request for their marriage certificate in person or by mail. Each certified copy of the marriage certificate costs $3.00. Details about obtaining a marriage certificate in Lakewood can be found online at the official Pierce County website at Lakewood Marriage License.
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