Apply For A Greenville Marriage License
How am I supposed to apply for a marriage license in Greenville, South Carolina?
If you want to apply for a marriage license in Greenville, South Carolina, you will need to go in person with your prospective spouse to the Marriage License Division of the Greenville County Probate Court and submit a marriage license application. The Marriage License Division office is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can find the Marriage License Division at 301 University Ridge #5600. You can find a link to a pdf document with Greenville County marriage license requirements online at the Greenville County Probate Court official website: Greenville Marriage License.
What requirements do I need to meet to be issued a marriage license in Greenville, South Carolina?
The Marriage License Division of the Greenville County Probate Court requires that to be issued a marriage license, applicants must be single and at least 18 years old. You do not have to be a resident of Greenville to apply for a marriage license there. When you go to apply for your marriage license at the Marriage License Division office, you must present your social security card and a valid form of photo I.D.
Can I apply for a marriage license in Greenville if I am not yet 18 years of age?
You can apply for a marriage license if you are not yet 18 years of age but you are at least 16 years of age as long as you meet some additional requirements. If you are under 18 years of age, you need to have parental consent and present a certified copy of your birth certificate as well as a valid form of photo I.D. Your parent or legal guardian needs to appear with you at the Marriage License Division of the Greenville County Probate Court to sign the consent form.
Where and when will my marriage license be valid?
Your marriage license will be valid anywhere in the state of South Carolina, beginning 24 hours after your license is issued by Greenville County. Marriage licenses in South Carolina do not have an expiration date.
Can I apply for a marriage license in Greenville, South Carolina without a blood test?
Absolutely—blood tests are not required as part of the marriage license application in Greenville, South Carolina.
How much is the marriage license fee in Greenville, South Carolina?
The marriage license fee in Greenville is $35.00.
Who can I ask to perform my marriage ceremony in Greenville, South Carolina?
You can ask any ordained religious clergy member or officer that can administer oaths, such as a judge, to perform your marriage ceremony in Greenville, South Carolina.
How can I request a copy of my marriage certificate in Greenville, South Carolina?
After your marriage ceremony, you can request a certified copy of your marriage certificate from the Marriage License Division of the Greenville County Probate Court for a fee of $5.00 a copy plus copying fees. Contact the Marriage License Division for more information on requesting your marriage certificate.
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