Apply For A Parma Marriage License
Where does a person go to apply for a marriage license in Parma, Ohio?
A person can apply for a marriage license in Cuyahoga County if he or she is a resident of Cuyahoga County or is from out of state but plans to have his or her wedding ceremony in Cuyahoga County. To apply for a marriage license, a person needs to appear at the Cuyahoga County Probate Court with his or her prospective spouse. The Marriage License Department of the Cuyahoga County Probate Court is located in Room 146 at 1 Lakeside Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. The office issues marriage licenses Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Cuyahoga County Probate Court is closed holidays.
How does a person become eligible for a marriage license in Parma, Ohio?
To be eligible for a marriage license in Parma, Ohio, a person should be at least 18 years old and single. He or she needs to show a valid photo I.D. such as a driver’s license at the Cuyahoga County Probate Court. The Cuyahoga County Probate Court does not issue marriage licenses to persons that are under the influence of intoxicating substances or are infected with a communicable form of syphilis.
What are the requirements for a person who has been divorced?
If a person has been divorced, he or she needs to provide a certified copy of the divorce decree to the Cuyahoga County Probate Court when he or she applies for a marriage license. The Cuyahoga County Probate Court could also require additional information about the previous marriage.
What are the requirements for a person under the age of 18?
If a person is under the age of 18, he or she needs to have parental consent to apply for a marriage license in Cuyahoga County. Permission from the Juvenile Court may also be required. More information is available at Parma Marriage License.
Are blood tests a requirement to apply for a marriage license in Cuyahoga County?
No. Blood tests are not a requirement to apply for a marriage license in Cuyahoga County.
What is the marriage license fee in Parma, Ohio?
Currently the marriage license fee in Parma, Ohio is $50.00. The fee must be paid in cash.
What is the waiting period after a marriage license is issued in Parma, Ohio?
There is no waiting period for a marriage license to be valid in Cuyahoga County. Cuyahoga County marriage licenses expire 60 days after they are issued.
Who is authorized to perform weddings in Parma, Ohio?
To be authorized to perform weddings in Parma, a person needs to be registered with the Ohio Secretary of State. If a person has questions about who is authorized, he or she should consult the Cuyahoga County Probate Court.
How much is the fee for a certified copy of a marriage certificate in Parma, Ohio?
There is a fee of $2.00 for each certified copy of a marriage certificate in Parma. A person may request certified copies of a marriage certificate in person or by mail. More information is available at Parma Marriage License.
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