Apply For A Gastonia Marriage License
Now that we are engaged, where do we go to get a marriage license in Gastonia, North Carolina?
Congratulations on your engagement! To apply for your marriage license in Gastonia, you will need to appear together in person at the Gaston County Register of Deeds office and submit a marriage license application. The Gaston County Register of Deeds office is on the first floor of the Gaston County Courthouse at 325 N. Marietta Street in Gastonia, North Carolina. The office accepts marriage license applications from Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Can we find the marriage license application form online?
Yes. You can find the marriage license application form for Gaston County at Gastonia Marriage License. You can download the form, fill it out, and bring it to the office, or you can fill out an online application. Either way, you will still need to appear in person at the Gaston County Register of Deeds office to complete the application process.
What documents should we bring with us when we go to the Register of Deeds office?
When you go to the Register of Deeds office to apply for a marriage license, don’t forget to bring a valid form of photo I.D. such as a passport or driver’s license. You also need to bring your social security card. If you have been divorced, you need to bring a certified copy of the divorce decree. You may need additional documents if you are under 21 years of age. Visit Gastonia Marriage License for more information about what documents are required.
Do we need to have blood tests to apply for a marriage license in Gastonia, North Carolina?
No. Blood tests are not a requirement for you to receive a marriage license in the state of North Carolina.
How much will our marriage license cost in Gastonia, North Carolina?
Your Gaston County marriage license will cost $60.00. You may choose to pay this fee with cash or money order at the time that you apply for your marriage license.
When will our Gaston County marriage license expire?
Your Gaston County marriage license will expire after a period of 60 days. You need to solemnize your marriage before your marriage license expires. A Gaston County marriage license is valid in any county in North Carolina, and there is no waiting period before you can use the license.
Can we choose whoever we want to perform our wedding ceremony in Gastonia, North Carolina?
You need to choose a person who is authorized to perform wedding ceremonies in the state of North Carolina. You may choose to invite a religious clergy member, judge, or magistrate to solemnize your marriage, for example. If you have questions about who is authorized to perform your wedding ceremony, you can contact the Gaston County Register of Deeds office.
After we are married, how do we get our marriage certificate in Gastonia, North Carolina?
After you are married and your signed marriage license has been recorded, you can purchase certified copies of your marriage certificate from the Gaston County Register of Deeds office in person or by mail. The fee is $10.00 for each certified copy. To order your marriage certificate by mail, send a request to the Gaston County Register of Deeds, P.O. Box 1578, Gastonia NC 28053.
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